How To Use Microsoft Word For Medium Story Writing

Writing Medium Stories With Microsoft Word!

Microsoft Word Medium Story Layout And Content Recycling!

Deon Christie
All About M
Published in
9 min readAug 11, 2023


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Using Microsoft Word To Write Medium Stories For Indexing And Recycling
The image was designed with Canva and uploaded in PNG file format by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Learn about Microsoft Word and Medium stories.

Benefits of writing in Microsoft Word with Medium stories.

How to use Microsoft Word for Writing Medium stories.

Add Canva to the Microsoft and Medium writing mixture.

Faster Medium story writing indexing in search engines.

Microsoft Word and Medium stories conclusion.

Free stuff for my Medium subscribers!

Benefits of writing in Microsoft Word with Medium stories.

The benefits of writing Medium stories with Microsoft Word yield numerous benefits. Writing Medium stories with Microsoft Word includes benefits like article repurposing.

Or recycling, creating a draft, and optimizing your Medium story for search engines. Owning your content and building up an arsenal of outstanding articles by means of writing Medium stories with Microsoft Word.

Getting your Medium story indexed and ranking in search engines, etc. we do not imply in any way that writing directly in the Medium editor is a “bad thing”. You just have more optimization chances which can be done a bit faster.

Once you have written your Medium story as a Microsoft Word document, it is simply a question of copy-and-paste it into the Medium editor and publish.

We always do a basic layout or “structure” of the article. That makes it much easier to “fill in the gaps” as it were. Microsoft Word also checks your spelling and grammar, therefore, less editing in the Medium editor.

But you can also use Microsoft Word to write eBooks, like using your Medium stories, and turn that into an eBook. Then just publish it with BookRix.

We have however covered that strategy in another Medium story; therefore, you might want to read the story below. Did you know you can get published in over 40 major online bookstores 100% Free?

Did you know that these online bookstores include bookstores like Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, iTunes, and many more? And all the gigantic online bookstores along with them.

Are you still wondering whether you should read the Medium story below or not? It is an excellent and rather “easy” way to generate an income with your Medium stories.

Microsoft Word also allows you to include the hyperlinks you want to use, bullet points, table of contents and much more. All you have to do is pay attention to all the functions.

Because there are so many outstanding features with Microsoft Word. But we will get to that next. Did you know you should use 2 Medium story titles to simplify search engine indexing and ranking?

Well, you will find out next, so you might want to read this article to the end. Using Microsoft Word for Writing Medium stories can help improve your strategy in so many ways.

We especially enjoy the advantages of simplifying the indexing and ranking capability in All major search engines. That way you will notice in your analytics there will be visitors from search engines like Google, Yandex, Yahoo, etc. But we will get to all of that in a bit.

How to use Microsoft Word for Writing Medium stories.

As can be seen illustrated below, for demonstrational purposes. We decided to use the Microsoft Word document structure for this same story on Medium. That way, you will have a better idea of the layout first.

This is known as the structure of your Medium story in Microsoft Word. Titles, subtitles, affiliate offers (In bold pointing to the source). Medium stories we want to include in this one (URLs In Blue).

Along with the necessary requirements for sharing affiliate links (as affiliate marketers), the affiliate disclosure. This way you build an entire structure making it easier to “fill in the gaps” so to speak.

In other words, writing the content for your subtitles, etc. Notice how the subtitles in the illustration also include the target keywords? Strategic keyword placement is of paramount importance.

Laying out your first title, in this case, “Writing Medium Stories With Microsoft Word!” (We changed it since the screenshot), sorry. Then lay out the second long-form title demonstrated in italic bold.

microsoft suggested article framework or layout with medium story writing
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Laying out your second title, in this case “Using Microsoft Word To Write Medium Stories For Indexing And Recycling!” Why is this necessary? Because that is going to form part of your Medium story URL slug. (The part After The Forward Slash).

These keywords are often separated by the hyphen symbol (-). Therefore we will be targeting “Microsoft Word”, “Medium Stories”, and “Medium Writing” as our target search phrases.

So, you can see from the illustration precisely where these target keywords are placed. We have however covered this strategy in much more detail in another Medium story. The one below might interest you, of that, we are sure.

Using Microsoft Word to create your article structure for your Medium story, just makes it more “visible”, which is very hard to explain…lol! We just find the navigation a lot easier while editing the template before publishing.

Now, when you publish your Medium story, you use the longer title. That way you will have more target keywords in the URL slug. After publishing your Medium story, you want to edit it and use a shorter title.

But why is that? Well, shorter, and more direct titles tend to get easier noticed on Medium through our experience. Admittedly, Author, D. Denise Dianaty guided us on this. And she was quite right.

We just threw in the longer and shorter titles to boost indexing and ranking capability through the Medium story URL slug.

Another advantage of this article layout strategy with Microsoft Word is that you can now save all your written Medium stories and recycle them. By simply changing the titles and subtitles. Then publish them on other sites like LinkedIn and Patreon for instance.

Add Canva to the Microsoft and Medium writing mixture.

Using Canva is going to boost your presentation considerably. From your Medium story presentation image to your illustrational images within your Medium story.

Some illustrations might need some editing to point out important areas, all done with Canva and Microsoft Paint 3D (For Screenshots). You can even include all your images in the Microsoft Word document of the Medium story you wrote.

That way, should you lose the images. Or forget to save them in a file on your PC. You can always access them again from the Word Document structured medium written story.

But you can also always access them again from Canva, which can be a little challenging when you’ve been using the tool for a while. We have just South of 6000 designs on Canva. Imagine having to search for one!

using canva to write medium stories with microsoft word
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

You can even choose to turn your Medium stories into HD YouTube videos and then include the videos in your Medium stories when writing. The design options with Canva know no boundaries. Below you can read more about creating videos with Canva.

But, in case you are also an affiliate marketer on Medium. You can also use Canva to create one-page websites. Featuring and redirecting to affiliate offers. Then include those in your Medium stories as opposed to direct affiliate links.

Your content design opportunities are endless with Canva, you can even turn your Medium stories into TikTok videos, Instagram reels, and so much more.

But don’t forget to always focus any text you use with images, or even video thumbnails to the centre of the image. Because in feeds, the images get cropped from the sides. Especially on mobile devices.

Faster Medium story writing indexing in search engines.

One thing you must realize is that creating curiosity is the key to response, from both search engines and readers alike. But your solution must also be better than the current ranking solution.

Therefore you will have to see what is ranking within the topic you choose and read what they write about. Pay attention to how they wrote it and placed keywords and search phrases. And how well their presentation is.

Now you need to create better content to outrank your competitors, this might require quite a bit of research, but well worth the effort. As illustrated below, you can see one of our Medium stories ranking at position one, page one in Google.

The search term it is ranking for is the Medium story title. Now you can see why the wording of your title is so important. Now, how many people want to know how to attract more followers and subscribers on Medium?

See where this is going? Just a thought and that is why your topic research is so important. We also found that stories that are published with Medium publishers, tend to get indexed and rank much faster.

medium story writing and getting indexed and ranking in search engines through microsoft word
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D” and edited in Canva. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Check out the few points highlighted with the red arrows above. Position 1 page 1 from 35,600,000 results. Zero competition, and only published 4 days ago. We’ll just leave that there.

However, indexing and ranking is the “easy” part. Maintaining that ranking position is quite another story altogether. And it mostly comes down to activity and engagement.

Because search engine algorithms look for activity. A “busy” article, video, or any content tells search engines that this is what people are looking for.

And like any business, search engines want to provide their audiences with the best solutions, answers, guides, and content. Think of search engines as any other business. You must provide them with the “best products” to present to their customers.

medium story writing with microsoft word story to response ratio illustration
Author account screenshot. The image screenshot was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As can be seen, illustrated above, we currently have 262 (263 Counting This One) Medium stories published, most of which are indexed and ranking in search engines. But there are 2932 responses. And that is what’s maintaining our ranking positions.

It might not seem much but considering we have been on Medium for less than a year, we are quite satisfied with the results and growth. Currently at 1.3K followers and nearing 100 subscribers.

So, this strategy is obviously working. If you would like to know more about ranking capability through increasing user experience (UX). You might want to read the Medium story below.

Microsoft Word and Medium stories conclusion.

This entire content marketing strategy comes down to 4 simple steps, time-consuming steps. But we can assure you it is well worth a try because it is sure to reward your efforts with growth. These steps are.

Use Google Trends For Research.

Structure Your Medium Story In Microsoft Word.

Copy-And-Paste Your Template To Medium.

Images Cannot Be Pasted Insert Them.

Focus on your 2 titles with your Microsoft Word document where you have been writing your Medium story. Be sure to include a table of contents (sub-headers) containing your target keywords.

Include image alt attributes and caption text. Because you also want to publish your Medium stories in Medium publications, and without these, your Medium stories will not be accepted.

If there is anything you don’t understand or need any help with this. Please don’t hesitate to leave us a comment, and we will be delighted to guide you as best we can.

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Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

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Deon Christie
All About M

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.