Why 99% of Writers Fail on Medium (And How to Be the 1%)

Cracking the medium code

The Human Project
All About M
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Want to Strike it Big on Medium?

Well, join the club!

Like thousands of other wide-eyed writers, you flock to the platform, mesmerized with ideas of becoming famous and rich.

But here’s the thing: most of them crash and burn.

Why? And how can you avoid their fate?

Let’s dissect it, shall we?

If you’re looking for ways to grow your medium account, check out my free FREE Medium Growth Checklist at Gumroad.

It might just be the tool you need to turn your experiences into engaging content. (Yeah, it’s free & advanced)

Why Writers Flop on Medium:

  1. They’re boring as heck. Look, none of us wants to read another yawner about “5 Ways to Be Productive.” Yawn!
  2. Unsuccessful writers lack creativity. They’re plagiarists. Monkey see, monkey do? Think again! Copying from other writers is a one-way ticket to Someplace You Don’t Want to Be.
  3. They’re sporadic. Writing once in a blue moon won’t cut it. Successful writers show up, rain or shine.
  4. They don’t interact. Medium’s not a one-way street. Not reading and responding to comments of other writers? Big wrong move.
  5. They ignore the stats. Numbers don’t lie. People who aren’t successful writers don’t learn what works and what doesn’t.

Now comes the good part: How to Be the 1%

  1. Find Your Weird: What really gets you going? What can you babble on about? Bingo! That’s your golden ticket. For me, obscure ’80s movies and quantum physics are a weird combination — no kidding!
  2. Write like You Talk: Ditch the jargon. I mean, really, write like you are having a cup of joe with your friend. So much more fun to read!
  3. Hook ’em from line one: Your lead sentence should whack your readers between the eyes. Give ’em a laugh, a gasp, or a “Huh?”
  4. Tell stories: Humans are suckers for stories. You remember that time when I tried to explain string theory to my cat? Hilarious disaster!
  5. Be the life of the party: Comment, clap, share. Make friends with fellow writers. It isn’t being nice; it’s just good business.
  6. Experiment like crazy: Try different topics, styles, and formats. Never know what might blow up (and in a good way).
  7. Learn from the best: Read the best writers, but don’t copy them. Steal their tricks — not their voice.
  8. Edit like your life depends on it: First drafts suck most of the time. Polish that turd until it shines!
  9. Be patient, Grasshopper: Success on Medium ain’t overnight. Keep at it, and you’ll get there.
  10. Have fun, darn it! If you’re not enjoying the ride, what’s the point?

Let me tell you, becoming a top Medium writer isn’t rocket science — trust me; I’ve done both.

It’s just about being yourself, working hard, never giving up, and now going forth to conquer the keyboard!

P.S. But don’t forget to high-five your cat for me. They’re sometimes the unsung heroes of the writing world.



The Human Project
All About M

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