Writing the Terse Meaningless Comment — Turn Off a Writer AND Get Blocked! WOW!
Two birds, one stone
This 👇 started me thinking.
“Good read my stories.”
It’s a comment — paraphrased — that appeared in response to one of my recent stories. Maybe it was one of the stories I slaved over, the one that made my eyes bleed, the one that curdled my core’s curds, the one that wreaked havoc with my happiness and effed up my circadian rhymes for days. Or maybe it was in response to one of those satiric sarcastic sack-of-shit stories I toss off so easily. Either way, the terse, poorly punctuated, but likely heartfelt comment got my juices flowing … the mental juices, you perv.
And we all know what happens when my mental juices get to flowing. I get to writing self help. And start referring to myself in the third person thereby becoming even more irritating than I am in the first person.
BTW — in case you’re still puzzling over the commenter’s comment above, I think the Terse Turd intended to write “Good (as in, Hey Burg, your story is good), [Please, if you have the time and interest, stop by and] read [one of] my stories.”
Still, “Hey Burg, your story is good, please, if you have the time and interest, stop by and…