Yes! “Dog Nose” is a Medium Tag

I Love This Place

Roz Warren, Writing Coach
All About M


Photo by James Barker on Unsplash

I recently used a photo of a dog nose to illustrate an article about Medium. As one does.

The dog nose had nothing to do with the content of the article of course, but years ago I came up with the trick of using a dog photo when I couldn’t find a better illustration for a Medium story, and it has served me well.

If I can’t find a good photo to illustrate a story? You’ll get a photo of Fido.

So when it came time to illustrate my story about the fact that Medium maven Buster Benson had gone on the record saying that we writers can’t expect to earn a living here, I thought, “What kind of photo can I use to illustrate that?”

A photo of Buster Benson? A photo of all the money I wouldn’t be earning on Medium this month? A photo of hundreds of…



Roz Warren, Writing Coach
All About M

Writing Coach and Editor Roz Warren ( will help you improve and publish your work.