Art as a therapy

La Source
La Source
Published in
4 min readMar 19, 2020

When art becomes a tool of communication and expression used for therapeutic purposes we speak of art therapy. Since 2014, its psychological benefits are scientifically proven.

Art therapy is a therapeutic process of personal development, which facilitates self-expression through any kind of artistic activity. The result is a behavioural change leading to wellbeing.

During this process, the final artwork is not important. The essential thing is to give free to the inner images that manifest themselves, to past experiences that resurfaced, or to desires to which we aspire to. Concentrated on its gestures and connected to the present moment, the person is in its own little world. She/he can give in to the creation.

A feeling of relaxation emerges. In fact, it has been scientifically proven that 45 minutes of artistic creation reduces the level of cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress (study conducted by researchers at the University of Drexel, in 2016).

Artistic creation should be considered as a means of communication, with oneself and with others. It’s a symbolic language giving access to buried feelings. Taking the time to analyze, understand and accept them helps “the artist” to reappreciate its true value and to restore its self-confidence. This method is an introspective path with healing virtues.

Art therapy is for anyone — adult or child — who has difficulty expressing or externalizing its emotions, who has pathologies, who has experienced violence, who has a handicap or who simply wishes to improve its well-being. The practice can be individual or collective.

Photography, cinema, theatre, plastic arts, music, singing, sewing, … whatever it is, an artistic practice has multiple benefits! Please find several adresses to know where to practice in Ho Chi Minh City.


Writing gives the opportunity to capture in words to ills health. This activity is mainly used to relieve one’s emotional state and is very effective in taking a step back. Mélanie, from Waka Tanka Connection, recommends that everyone should have its own writing routine, even if it is only five minutes a day, in order to free its mind and stimulate its creativity.

Wirting, the opportunity to capture in words to ills health

Where to practice?

Waka Tank Connection offers you personalized coaching (online) adapted to your needs: creative, editorial or introspective. Two formulas are possible: weekly or monthly. For those who prefer a meeting, the Association des Francophones au Vietnam (AFV) offers a writing workshop in small groups.


Dance is the bodily expression of an emotion through choreography. Performing new movements allows you to get to know your body better, to take possession of it. The person then manages to reveal itself. Little by little, the dancer free itself from the people’s judgments and gain self-confidence.

Where to practice?

Dancenter offers a wide choice of classes of different styles and levels, with teachers who listen. For more fun, you can opt for the Salsa or Bachata classes offered by The Salsa Club.

“Art has the power to repair a wounded soul”.

— Véronique Roubertie


Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is acting out a name, a story and a behaviour. This dimension, far from reality, helps to discover new facets of oneself. It is an indirect way of talking to each other. Moreover, transforming one’s problems into fiction helps to look at them from another perspective and by extension, helps to solve them.

Where to practice?

I haven’t tested but have heard about WinterCearig, TheatreCraft or Dragonfly.

A workshop with Vang Pottery

Plastic arts: drawing, painting, colouring, pottery, crochet,…

The plastic arts are distinguished by the introduction of a material: paint, wool, clay, mosaic,… In addition to being creative, this experience is also strongly sensory thanks to the touch. By means of the forms and the colours, it’s possible to express an infinity of emotions and feelings, often unconscious and liberating.

Where to practice?

You can follow the Paint & Wine group, which frequently offers painting evenings in restaurants set up for the occasion. Alternatively, to practice when and where you wish, you can buy your equipment at Reading Cabin. For pottery, Vàng Pottery stands out for its professionalism and its pedagogy. Highly recommended !

Music & Singing

Simple music listening or sound creation, with or without an audience, novice or expert, music reduces anxiety, relieves certain symptoms, accelerates the child’s development, etc. A fan of practice, Amélie Gaucherand, confirms that music therapy is above all about learning to listen to oneself and to others. A benefit that facilitates social integration!

Where to practice?

Gabriella de Ruka Yoga, offers sessions of Tibetan bowls whose vibrations resonate with the body and mind to soothe them. You can also participate in Arnaud Guibert’s creative singing workshops to explore your emotions.

Beyond these recommendations, don’t forget that the art that will be most beneficial to you is above all the one during which you will have the most pleasure!

About the autor

Marine Ammar, Reiki Usui Sensei therapist at La Source, bien-être
Her credo: “understand, accept and love yourself”
If you have any question, please send an email:



La Source
La Source

La Source, te propose des événements bien-être et des thérapies Reiki pour te sentir mieux, guérir et te reconnecter à toi de manière ludique et conviviale.