How to start meditating easily ?

La Source
La Source
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2019

Meditation, a new trend ? Not only. Because meditation has scientific proven effects, why wouldn’t you give it a try? The following tips will help you to start easily.

1. Build a routine

Set up a rendez-vous with yourself to give space to meditation in your schedule. I highly recommend to do it in the morning, just after your waking. It could be the first action of your day.
Plus I recommend to create a ritual so as to influence your brain to separate the everyday worries with this peaceful moment. For instance, you can light a candle and say your positive affirmation.

2. Start small first

Even if it’s seems nothing, start to meditate for two minutes is not too easy. Two minutes per day for one week. If that goes well, continue and, step by step, increase the time : 2 minutes, 4 minutes,… until 10 minutes per day. Start small, keep it sustainable.

3. Be comfortable

Choose a place where you feel good (vibes). When you begin, it is better to select a quiet space in order to avoid distractions. Then, sit or lay back comfortably. Avoid wearing too tight clothes, it can help significantly.

4. Remember to breath

Focus on your breath. Inspire. Expire. Inspire. Expire,… For sure your mind will wander. It is not a problem. Once you notice it, return to your breath. If you have thoughts or feeling during the meditation, look at them with lovely attitude. Embrace them. You just start to get to know yourself.

5. Commit yourself

If you want to start meditating, be committed to yourself. Make a deal with yourself to try it at least 1 month. Even if this is two minutes per day. You will be proud to have succeeded.

About the autor

Marine Ammar, Reiki Usui Sensei therapist at La Source, bien-être
Her credo: “understand, accept and love yourself”
If you have any question, please send an email:



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La Source

La Source, te propose des événements bien-être et des thérapies Reiki pour te sentir mieux, guérir et te reconnecter à toi de manière ludique et conviviale.