Lithotherapy, crystals with healing power?

La Source
La Source
Published in
4 min readJan 22, 2020

An ancestral method, lithotherapy is defined as the art of healing with stones. Although its effects are not scientifically proven, yet persists in our modern societies. Depending on the minerals, the benefits are different. Find out which ones can do you good.

Lithotherapy, crystals with healing power

What is the history ?

Lithotherapy, quesako?
Borrowed from the Greek lithos and therapia, meaning respectively stone and cure. It is therefore a cure, a treatment, by stones. These would improve our well-being and balance our organism.

In many cultures — Egyptian, Hebrew, Roman, Amerindian, Tibetan, Chinese,… — the stones have been used for centuries. — stones were omnipresent, from ornaments to houses to places of worship.

Ancestral stones used for protection

The symbolism of stones was established and codified in social and religious life. However, it was not until the year 1098 that the therapeutic virtues of crystals were listed by the nun Hildegarde von Bigen. In spite of her efforts, scientific discourse of this period associated lithotherapy with superstition.

However, in 1965, in France, lithotherapy became an official branch of homeopathy. And it is the New Age movement, a western movement that advocates spiritual awakening, that brings lithotherapy back into fashion.

How crystals work ?

We know that man needs energy to live. He finds it in his food for example. Our bodies vibrate, as do our words and emotions. Our physiological balance therefore depends on our energy level.

At the same time, the work of the French Nobel Prize Louis de Broglie has shown that every object has an undulatory form, a vibration. This is the principle that governs lithotherapy. The crystals thus capture and emit vibrations acting on a physical and psychological level. Their chemical composition, origin, shape and color define their potential and their field of action.

However, there is no scientific proof of the medicinal benefits of precious or semi-precious stones. Placebo effect or not, there is no shortage of success stories! So the best way is to try.

Before combining certain crystals, check their compatibility!

When using crystals ?

There are many possible uses for the stones.

Personally, I like to use them in meditations. I find that they promote the state of consciousness and allow us to work more deeply on blockage points. Other times, to solve specific problems, I like to put them in my pockets for a day.

Also, as a Reiki therapist, I sometimes use them during treatments. They prolong the diffusion of energy. Other people massage themselves with them, swallow elixirs, or use them to cleanse and harmonize the energies of a place.

GOOD TO KNOW Before using your crystals, clean them! And after several uses, remember to recharge them by leaving them in the sun or full moon, depending on their nature.

Playing together!

Which sentence do you recognize yourself most in? Refer to the same letter in the following paragraph to find out which crystal will help you.

A. “I doubt myself; I need to trust myself”.

B. “I have difficulty letting myself go; I need sincere and friendly sharing”.

C. “I am not in a position to know what I want; I need to find my place”.

D. “I do not love myself; I need to forgive and accept myself”.

E. “I am struggling to express myself; I need to clarify and share my feelings.

F. “I feel confused; I need to connect with my true nature.

G. “I feel disconnected or even isolated; I need to spiritually elevate myself.

Healing cristal

A. Black Tourmaline: cancels negative energies and stimulates positive thinking.

B. Orange calcite: chases away sadness and awakens your joie de vivre.

C. Citrine: helps to make choices and promotes relationships.

D. Rose quartz: promotes love in all its forms: tenderness, forgiveness, affection, …

E. Blue Chalcedony: facilitates communication and the expression of emotions.

F. Lapis-Lazuli: develops intuition and sharpens perceptions.

G. Rock crystal: promotes learning and helps regeneration.

About the autor

Marine Ammar, Reiki Usui Sensei therapist at La Source, bien-être
Her credo: “understand, accept and love yourself”
If you have any question, please send an email:



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La Source

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