
Simple load test tool in Rust

Introduce to you a tool call drill for load test service built in Rust.

Donald Le
All about Rust
Published in
2 min readSep 16, 2021


Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust. The main goal for this project is to build a really lightweight tool as alternative to other that require JVM and other stuff.

You can write benchmark files, in YAML format, describing all the stuff you want to test.

It was inspired by Ansible syntax because it is really easy to use and extend.

Writing your load test scenario in yaml could be simple as

All you need to do is installing drill by 2 ways

cargo install drill
drill --benchmark benchmark.yml --stats

or directly from code

git clone git@github.com:fcsonline/drill.git && cd drill
cargo build --release
./target/release/drill --benchmark benchmark.yml --stats

Here is the console log when running the sample test with my local service.



Donald Le
All about Rust

A passionate automation engineer who strongly believes in “A man can do anything he wants if he puts in the work”.