Solutions for IAQ monitoring — don’t you worry ‘bout a thing

All About Sensors
All about sensors
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2018


…although, I am not sure if Stevie Wonder was thinking of indoor air quality, when he wrote that song.

I found some consumer products, which take care of your indoor environment. Now, most of the devices on the market are passive — meaning, those are basically monitoring your indoor air quality, and tell you the result (maybe also give you suggestions on how to act accordingly). But YOU have to do something to change the situation. The list of devices below stresses products which are either purifying the air surrounding you or can connect to other devices and tell them what to do. So sit back and relax, because from now on, these devices take care of a healthy environment.

Clairy — Design and nature in harmony

If you follow my blog posts, you probably read about plants enhancing indoor air quality. Well, turns out there is a company, using exactly this principle to make our indoor environment healthier. Their product was made possible by nearly 1.3k backers on Kickstarter, raising more than 230.000€. The device monitors volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which, as you already know by now, are mainly responsible for a change in indoor air quality. The product idea to clean the air via plants is based on scientific studies. It was found out that plants naturally clean the air through their roots. If you want to find out more: My blog post, ‘5 ways how everybody can take care of their indoor air quality at home’ includes a link to a paper, listing specific plants which are able to do so. Below you can see a picture of how the product looks like — and as you can see, it comes with an app, providing additional information, also about temperature and humidity.

Clairy, retrieved from:

The best thing: It is not only monitoring your air quality inside rooms, but also taking immediate action, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. Oh, wait, there is another ‘best thing’: You don’t need to replace any filters, because the filter is the plant. It just needs a little water every once in a while, plus: the product has a built-in 1 litre water reservoir, so you don’t need to do it too often.

The following video explains a little more about IAQ, the company and their newest product — check it out!

NATEDE by Clairy, the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier

Airgloss — Connect to act

This device makes it possible to connect to your other smart home devices. The technolgoy regulates your indoor environment on several levels and therefore takes different factors into account. For monitoring your indoor air quality, Airgloss offers you a product called ProSense. Below you see a list of gases the device is able to detect:

Airgloss, retrieved from:

In addition, they offer a so called ‘ComfortKit’ which makes it possible to connect to heating and cooling systems to manage your indoor environment. Both products are displayed below:

left: ProSense, right: ComfortKit — Airgloss, retrieved from:

Via the app provided by Airgloss, the users also receive notifications on how to further improve their indoor environment. Additionally, Airgloss provides an overview of the user’s environmental data recorded to ensure the best understanding and transparency.

Airlabs — in-car air quality

Often, cars are neglected when talking about indoor air quality. But the time we spend in cars is included in the often cited ‘90% of our time we spend indoors’ statement. Airlabs is actually mainly focusing on city pollution, but with their product called ‘The Airbubbl.’, they tackle also the air quality inside cars. The Airbubbl. draws polluted air circulating inside cars into the unit. With their filtration technology, Airlabs is able to remove gases, particles, bacteria, dust and odours and then releases fresh air back into the car.

The Airbubbl. — Airlabs, retrieved from:

Airlabs, in additon, built up a advanced knowledge in air flow engineering which enables the product to clean air inside the car in the most efficient way possible. The video below gives you a short introduction to their product and its working principle.

Airbubbl By Airlabs — Creating The First Pollution Free Zone In Your Car

So again — sit back, relax and let these devices worry about indoor air quality!

Stay tuned for additional options on how to take care of the air surrounding you!

Thanks for reading!
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Uniform Resource Locators

Airgloss. Home,

Airgloss. ProSense,

Airlabs. Home,

Airlabs. The Airbubbl,

All about sensors. 5 ways how everybody can take care of their indoor air quality at home,

Clairy. Home, retrieved from:

Clairy. Technology, retrieved from:

YouTube. Airbubbl By Airlabs — Creating The First Pollution Free Zone In Your Car,

YouTube. NATEDE by Clairy, the most Amazing Smart Natural Air Purifier,



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