A Letter To My Future Husband

All About Surrounding


I love you

Photography by: Ashlan Skidmore

Dear Future Husband,

Throughout the years I have prayed, asking God to send me a man who always puts him first. I never understood the importance of my own prayer until recently I realized the importance of having a man who is willing to do so. It’s so crazy to think you were created for me, just walking around on this earth somewhere. I just hope you continue to follow his word so it may lead you back to me.

“Woman came out of a man’s rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from his side to stand with man. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.”

I will never expect you to be perfect because the Lord knows I’m not. You will make mistakes, so will I. I know that we will learn from past mistakes, which will make us stronger over the years. I vow to love your every flaw and weakness.

For you, I promise to always be by your side throughout every trial, bad day, and hardship that may come our way. I promise to always see the good in you, reminding you who you are in case you ever start to lose sight of that. I promise to love you above any disagreements we may have and never hold it against you. I promise to always pray for us and our family. I promise to always care about your every concern, need, and taking everything…



All About Surrounding

Lover of CATS & drinker of cheap red WINE ~ Child of God, Mother, Daughter, Sister, & Friend ♥️