Life Coach— Unlocks Motivation in You

Nagendra Singh Yadav
All About Surrounding
7 min readOct 24, 2019


Life coach as a person, Lack of communication leads to uninvited guests? stop surrounding yourself from negativity, Where is the problem? What does exactly the life coach do? motivation is the key, Conclusion.

Always find motivation into those things which you’ll love to do all the time. Its an art to be created by you nor anyone else. — Nagendra Singh Yadav


We’re all lost in our busy lives and we tend to ignore those people who are really hard to understand. If you are not able to deal with them in person, it doesn’t make you unfit in such a case. It is just that we don’t want to waste our little time in making them understand, what they are doing wrong.

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We expect our childhood friend or family member or coworker or a friend from high school to understand our situation before making any point out of it. This is what where thing fails badly.

Life coach as a person

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A life coach is a person who is not partial or says right or wrong based upon the scenario or situation presented. He is a father figure who aims to offer a solution that favors every person who was affected due to a lack of communication.

Lack of communication leads to uninvited guests?

Instead of imagining everything, go to a person and clear out the air, as it improves relationships and bonds two being stronger each time. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

The main reason behind the failure of communication is two sides just imagine everything on their behalf before knowing the actual reality. Which is wrong, you cant just frame your own thoughts and predict future outcomes without knowing the present-day reality.

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The main reason behind people ignoring their surroundings is because they’re tired after a day or work, or already dealing with a lot of stress. Being motivated is the hardest part of such a case when someone is already in a lot of stress.
Stress could be because of many reasons i.e. it could be married life, relationship troubles, family issues, or troubling friends etc..But running away from those problems is a good idea, definitely not. It’s better to face it now and conquer it before you get stuck into it forever.

Stop surrounding yourself from negativity

The good or bad about anything depends on how you see, one would call it positive or negative, its the mindset which tells itself. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

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Your surrounding Describes a lot about you. If you surround yourself with positivity, you’ll always do the unthinkable. The ones who surround themselves with negativity will get them driven away from the good which is waiting for them.

Where is the problem?

We’ve fallen into virtual life so deep, we want to get out of it, but couldn’t do it. -Nagendra Singh Yadav

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We are too busy within our social life during or after working hours, as a student one is busy in impressing his her friends with all means, we are running behind virtual luxury and we left behind our loved ones.
No one has time to sit with their loved ones and friends, with whom one can share anything.

What does exactly the life coach do?

A wise man once said “you ask for help, and I’ll open my arms to hold you up” — Nagendra Singh Yadav

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A life coach aims to offer their helping hands to the outside world, one comes to them in the hope to find the solution to the problem, which they are unable to find. Being helpless, sad, and stressed out lives make things more complex for a life coach when they tend to find a solution to be offered to the seeker.

Motivation is the key

Get up and fight your demons, if you will conquer them today, they’ll never return to haunt you. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

We all have up’s and downs in our life, but one must learn how to bounce back from failures or fears which conquered you.

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One can cry on their past or onto whatever happened to them, but crying or feeling bad at the same incident is not gonna change anything. Learn from your past experience and transform yourself for tomorrow.

Look in the mirror and tell me what do you see. I see a person full of potential who can conquer anything in this world. Just talk to yourself five minutes in a day to know your capabilities. — Nagendra Singh Yadav

The best way to bounce back from an incident is motivation. The demons which conquered you, learn from it, collect yourself, and be prepared for the next time. One must always rise up to stand for yourself, then to help themselves.

Conclusion —

Always remember your roots because it always guides you in the right direction. -Nagendra Singh Yadav

Life can be hard sometimes on us, but one learns that life goes on. Changes are just part of life. Scale-up yourself and get yourself adopted to accept new beings waiting for us to join. Instead of locking up yourself in fear, “what would someone will say if I'm gonna do it” or “what world would think of me” face your challenges and fight your way out of it. It’s really important for a person to find a hobby, could be music, Gym, etc.. Get a hobby and turn it into motivation. It’s the motivation which can take you to the higher levels in life which you’ve never thought of.


This document is designed to motivate those, who think life is hard. The author’s intention is to describe how motivation can boost up your confidence. For any suggestions, one can write back to the author, if required. This article is prepared based upon the full knowledge of the author.

Copyright © 2019, Scott Photography. All rights reserved. All the rights of images used in this article are owned by the author itself. One must not reproduce these images anywhere without prior permission of the author.

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Nagendra Singh Yadav
All About Surrounding

24,Global Assistant General Secretary (ICCS), Eudoxia Research Centre.Ex - infoscion, blogger. Find out more at