Printing At Home: Basic Photo Editing and Retouching Tutorials

All About The Image - A Vistek Blog
5 min readMar 27, 2020

Since we all seem to have a lot of time on our hands these days thanks to the self-isolation protocols that are in place around the world, why not use it as a great opportunity to learn some new photo editing and retouching techniques!

That being said, we have found some great resources (so that you don’t have to) on this exact topic and present them to you below.

Help your photos and your subjects look their very best with our curated easy-to-follow, step-by-step Photoshop photo editing and retouching tutorials!

If you know of a great tutorial that we missed, share it in the comments!

Photoshop Training YouTube Channel

If you are looking for a one-stop-shop on how to make use of Photoshop’s incredible power, there is no better place to begin than the Photoshop Training Channel on Youtube.

Filled with more than 300 tutorial videos, you should be able to find an answer to just about any Photoshop related editing or retouching question you can think of, while picking up a few helpful tip and tricks along the way.

After you’ve learned the basics, why not check out some of these other videos/articles to learn some new tricks.

Fstoppers Articles

A Complete Guide to Retouching Portraits in Photoshop for Free — Dani Diamond

“There is an innumerable amount of articles and tutorials teaching parts and pieces of retouching portraits. However, finding the ones with quality techniques and information can take days. Furthermore, there is no singular tutorial that teaches a complete set of methods to retouch portraits free of charge. Finding the right tutorials for each aspect of editing can become very time consuming. This article contains 5 years of research for achieving the greatest methods to retouch a portrait.”

10 Editing Techniques That Changed My Photography — Thomas Ingersoll

“In the digital age you as a photographer are expected to be familiar and knowledgeable with Photoshop. It can be argued back and forth if this is right or wrong and whether Photoshop is ruining photography. But I see Photoshop as a tool, just as the darkroom was a tool to manipulate images. I have put together this list of 10 techniques that helps me get the most out of my images.”

Maybe You Need a Photo Editing Checklist? — Mike Nixon

“If you’re new to photography, you might want to consider a checklist to ensure that you don’t forget to do something with your photo while editing. After a while, it will become your natural workflow. Here are a few things that I suggest you put on that checklist.”

How to Make Your Car Photography Look Like This — Robert K Braggs

“Car photography is a sharp learning curve, with the incline coming primarily in post-production. A tutorial like this can save you incredible amounts of time learning techniques.”

Bird Photo Editing: How to Recover Iridescent Colours — Ryan Mense

“Some species of birds have feathers that shimmer with vivid colour in the sunlight, but they can look almost black in the shade. Here’s how I work to recover these colours when photographed in shade or overcast lighting.”

How I Used Lightroom’s Range Masks to Bring out the Vibrant Colours in This Photo — Andy Day

“If you’ve not used Adjustment Brushes with Range Masks to make subtle changes to colours in Lightroom, you’re missing out. This is how I used both tools to finish my edit of this rock climbing photograph.”

Petapixel Articles

Quick Tip: How to Use the ‘Dark Mode’ Photo Editing Technique

“The tutorial focuses specifically on Adobe Lightroom, but it’s possible in any RAW photo editing program. Basically, Jirsa wants you to think about adjusting the exposure parameters of your images — specifically portraits — a totally different way.”

The Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Wacom Tablet for Photo Editing

“This isn’t a 5-minute “tips and tricks” video — Dinda takes almost 35 minutes to go through this entire walkthrough. He shares all of his tablet and pen settings, walks you through actually using the tablet to edit a portrait, explains where keyboard shortcuts and express keys are more convenient than using the pen, and ends by sharing a “very important trick” for tablet beginners.”

How Lightroom’s Range Mask Tool Can Instantly Improve Your Photo Editing — MICHAEL ZHANG

“Lightroom has a powerful tool called Range Mask that can transform the way you post-process your photos, but photographers are often unaware that the tool even exists. Landscape photographer Thomas Heaton decided to make this 12-minute video to show how the tool can be invaluable for improving your photos.”

This is How Much Photo Editing Can Impact Portraits — Aaron Browning

“One of the biggest things I’ve learned in the last year is how much of an impact the editing process has, so I’ve written this post to share some of the before and afters of my work in the hope it can point other aspiring photographers in the right direction. This will be more of a visual demonstration rather than detailed instructions on how to use editing tools.” Articles

Cut Your Photo Editing Time in HALF

“In this video Mango Street are talking about their post-production workflow and how you can apply the same tools and techniques to cut your editing time WAY down.”

How to Process Black & White Images in Lightroom

“When editing a black and white photo, all bets are off! Feel free to crank those sliders as far as you please, just be sure you are working on a RAW 16-bit photo like the ones provided in this tutorial.”

How to Create a Stunning Black and White Portrait in Photoshop

“There are many different ways to convert an image to black and white in Photoshop. For the purposes of this episode, we use the most complete method which is a black and white adjustment layer. This allows an incredible amount of flexibility in terms of editing the tones of the portrait.”

Cover Image Photo Credit — Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Originally published at Vistek ProPhotoBlog.

