Does writing fiction scare you?

Deanne Michelle Welsh
All About Writing
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2017

It’s intimidating.

The pressure of an entire world to be created and the external and inner workings of your characters.

Can you do it?

We won’t know until we try, but if you do these three things, you have a greater chance of succeeding.

  1. Describe the feelings of your characters: sensory and emotions.

When they walk into a room, what are the first things they notice? What smells are familiar to them? What thoughts have formed well worn patterns in their minds?

The better you are at getting inside the skin, mind and heart of your characters, the better your chances of bringing your readers along the with you.

If you’re not sure what the characters are thinking and feeling, it’s time to dig deeper and flesh them out. If you can’t picture them, your readers won’t be able to either.

2. Layer and layer and layer away…

Cause and effect. Build your characters and story so that they are entwined and your story does not just build a simple plot line, but has depth, drama and unexpected twists.

Not sure how to leave the reader begging for more?

Pay attention to the show that currently has you sucked into. What keeps you watching, and maybe even binge watching? What are you dying to know? What leaves you frustrated at the end of the episode, wishing it had been resolved…

Now you’re onto the secret. Keep your reader guessing and lost in the story and they will stay with you until the end.

3. Share your secrets.

You don’t have to tell your Uncle the way he goes on an on about his gardening pursuits is the reason you avoid him, instead use the annoyance you feel and create a character who gets on another character’s nerves the way your Uncle gets on yours.

Writing fiction is writing truth, shrouded in story. This is why we are captivated by characters who resonate with our own thoughts and feelings.

Use yourself, your life, your observations, your friends… everything!

Each part of your life has the potential to be included in your fiction. Just be sure to disguise situations and people so it does not lead to future backlash.

Have you been dreaming about a story? Are you having trouble falling asleep because a character is begging or yelling at you to tell their story?

It might be time.

Don’t let fiction intimidate you.

Don’t sit on your ideas waiting until you have more skill or experience. Write them now. Your characters and stories will thank you. Even if they are not all they could be, they will be more than empty ideas left in your head to wilt and wither away.

In the comments, tell us what you are going to begin working on TODAY?

If you like connecting with other writers who don’t let fear and intimidation scare them, feel free to join my private Facebook Group, Unstoppable Writers.

