Are You The Chosen One?

Different Day, Different Person

Rahul Abhishek
Answers to Life
5 min readMar 29, 2018


There are over 8.7 Million species (give or take 1.3 Million) on our very own Earth.

One of them is Homo Sapiens. There are over 7 Billion of Sapiens.

One of them is you.

Go figure how incredibly small your chances were to be a human and 7 billion times less of being who you are.

You have a name. You have a body. Believe it or not, you have a heart and a soul too, just like every other human being.

You Shouldn’t Have Existed

“The great art of life is sensation, to feel that we exist, even in pain.”

— Lord Byron

Please don’t feel offended. At least, not just yet.

Author Ali Binazir is an incredible person. Never met him personally but he attempted something amazing.

He claims, the probability of you existing at all comes out to 1 in 102,685,000 — yes, that’s a 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes! Just wow.

Binazir concludes that the odds of you being alive are basically zero.

Here is a link to an infograph, if you want to fill your curiosity void.

I believe he’s really good with numbers. Although, I would like to claim it’s even smaller. He start’s calculating with the chances of your parents crossing path with each other. I think we live in a much bigger and complex world than that. For complete and absolute calculations, you must start with calculating the path of the atoms that fell apart and fell in together right after the Big-Bang.

Even if one atom would have changed it’s path by just a nano-meter apart, we all wouldn’t have existed, at all. At least not in this form, maybe in some other form, sure.

Wait, there’s more.

I don’t think I even wanna talk about the confirmation that came in October ’17 which said, “All of our observations find a complete symmetry between matter and antimatter, which is why the Universe should not actually exist,” says one of the researchers, Christian Smorra from CERN.

Yet, here we are.

Here’s the complete news article about it.

You Are The Universe

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

“If you understand the Universe, you control it, in a way”

—Stephen Hawking

Sounds crazy, huh?

You are one. Uni is one. Universe is not as complex as you think, instead it’s very simple.

Not sure which religion you all follow, I’m a firm believer in science though.

Science boldly says, no matter is ever created nor destroyed in true terms. Everything just changes forms. As a matter of fact, the sub-atomic particles make a few changes and voila you are something else now.

This simply implies, the matter that was here 13 billion years ago is same that is here today. “Nothing has changed”, a 13 billion year old matter said to another 13 billion year old matter.

Just trying to tell you that, you were here 13 billion years ago, just in a different form.

Everything that is here now was there and all started from one thing. That’s the singularity theory as lectured by Hawking.

In short and simpler words, you were that one thing before there was anything and 13 billion years later, here you are.

You are the Universe, my friend.

You Are Going To Change The World (If not already)

“No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.” — Robin Williams

You can laugh about this for a moment but you’ll be surprised to see how I’m not being philosophical here.

Then, come back to the reality and understand that you certainly will change the world forever. How?

Every human being that has ever lived has changed the world. It’s just that not all changes are celebrated but everyone changes the course of the whole humanity and the whole universe.

Butterfly effect agrees here with me. A small change causes a large effect in a series of consequences.

Future is a direct consequence of the present and indirectly of the past. Take a minute to absorb it.

Our ancestors changed the complete course and because of them we even exist and the way we exist.

Imagine this, you wouldn’t have been reading this right now if your great great great grandfather hadn’t decided to marry. Just like them, we all 7 billion humans are much more responsible for the future generations than we think.

Now, you‘re probably thinking if everyone did it and everyone is doing it and everyone will do it, some at small scale and some at large scale, then what’s special about it after all.

It is. It is special once you realize that what I’m trying to convey is, everyone gets the same opportunity.

It’s up to you what you do and how much you do and more importantly why you do it.

Fun fact: According to a quantum mechanic’s theory, if even a single atom is modified or changed in the most basic unit of energy, every other atom in the word are affected, meaning everything affects everything. (One of my favorite Theoretical Physicist claimed it, , although he might not he technically correct completely but he is anyway.)


Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

It’s not just how we leave the planet Earth for them in the ‘saving-the-environment’ terms but in everything else too. What you decide to do will cause something much larger in future subsequently and gradually.

Imagine this, maybe your great great great grandchild goes on to become the president of a country who would change the whole face of a country and would cause so many larger effects as a future consequence but if you decide against having a child then none of that would happen.

So, understand and remember that you are changing the World in some or the other way and what you do everyday of your ordinary life will have extraordinary effects in the future.

Implying, you are not so ordinary at all.

Go act now. You are the chosen one indeed. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you and you create it, inch by inch, every day.

Make them count.

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