Life As We Know It. Credits:

How To Actually Do More And Think Less?

Get shit done

Rahul Abhishek
Answers to Life
Published in
7 min readJul 29, 2016


If you are reading this, you already have the will to improve yourself. If you want to know, if you want to learn how to get more work done, pay attention. I’ve done a lot of research and read, listened, watched a lot about a lot of people.

My daily life goes by observing everyone, from my best friend to my idol whom I might read about in my news feed, but I never forget to observe and learn. I feel that I should share this with the world. So here it is.

Everyone has different way of getting work done. Everyone has a different goal to accomplish. Everyone has a different timeline to it. Everyone has a different reason for it and so everyone has different rewards for it. Everyone is trying here but never make anyone your competition.

Competition is for losers, be a monopoly, be focused on your own work.

I think, you don’t always get what you wish for, but you always get what you work for.

Everyone starts. Everyone struggles. Everyone finishes. Wait, no! I’m wrong here.

Did you catch my mistake? Well, everyone starts and in between all have struggles but NOT everyone finishes.

Actually, if you just take a minute and think about people around you, your parents, your friends, your partners, your colleagues, your mentors, or just the five people you interact the most with, you’d start noticing that the people around you are in fact what we call ‘lazy’.

Trust me on this part, it’s not easy to do but it’s they always talk about it because that’s easier.

That’s why most people do talk out loud about it but not all accomplish it.

You’d notice not all the people around you actually accomplish what they want to and I’m talking about each and every task or goal they can think of, from getting the highest score in a game to getting the right partner, from getting that smile right in a photo to being what they daily dream of.

If you can’t see in others, just look into that person, whom you understand, whom you talk to whenever you want to, whom you know MORE than anybody else, whom you know everything about.

It’s not your partner or best friend. It’s not your sibling or parents.

It’s YOU!

Think about last month/week. Ask yourself this right now, ‘Did I achieved everything that I desired last month/week, irrespective of how small or big it was?’. Think what you didn’t even start, what you started but left it unfinished, what you did accomplished. Now, I think I should tell you before you start judging and criticizing yourself, it’s totally okay.

It’s okay that you couldn’t finished all the things you once thought you would. You might have told you dear and near ones about it but couldn’t finish it later. You might have told yourself looking in the mirror and saying you will do this but couldn’t.

Maybe it was socializing with a friend or completing that report your boss or teacher gave you. Whatever that was, it’s past now.

This is really important, pay close attention, are you paying enough attention.

Don’t dwell with the past. Note this down, write it somewhere right now and never forget.

I don’t want to think about your past either, there is a reason why I wanted to think about your small-to-big goals from the recent past.

Doing more and talking less about is not what you should be looking for at all. One needs to focus only and only on the ‘doing more’ part. Most productive people who do a lot more than others do talk less but that’s only because they are already busy doing or thinking about the task rather than talking about it.

Make yourself busy enough, you won’t have time for whining.

I know a lot of people who like to talk out loud a lot but they do a lot too. So, it’s a myth.

Look at Muhammad Ali for instance, no one trashed talk to opponents or randomly in public as a boxer as much as he did but still he never was perceived as a arrogant person.

The Greatest

People took his messages as a show of confidence and also because he proved it in the ring consistently.

Steve Jobs always claimed his products are the best and straight up quoted to Microsoft and IBM, how much they sucked in front of apple but everyone or at least most of us love Steve Jobs. Why? Because he did the work. He made apple and apple made one of the best products and those products made history.

Remember, when I told you to recall your accomplishments and failures from the recent past?

I hope now you understand, if not did already, that failing to do or to complete what you once started is totally okay.

It’s more than okay.

It’s amazing.

Remember those incomplete goals, but never get upset about it, instead think this way, ‘It’s okay that I haven’t done it, I need to do it.’ You’ll always have something to look forward to.

That’s the fun.

If you are not failing, then you are not really trying anything new.

DESIRE, it is the desire that makes you want to go after something. It always answers the best question of following something, the WHY.

Keep reminding yourself every day, WHY are you doing whatever that is you are doing.

Goals, if you have a desire to get or achieve something, you make that thing your goal.

Daily write down your goals for the current day with deadlines on a piece of paper and throw it away, just remember it.

Weekly write down your highlighting goals with deadlines and do the same.

Do so monthly and annually.

Writing down your goals has been one of the most effective habits of the most successful people.

Focus. Focus only on the work you need to do at that moment. Live in the present, always. Prioritize your goals under the four categories:

  1. Important,
  2. Urgent,
  3. Important & Urgent,
  4. Neither important nor urgent

And go through your goals, one by one like this, do the important & urgent ones first, then the urgent ones, then comes the important ones and rest thereafter.

It’s not about saying ‘YES’ to the work that is important & urgent to you matters as much as saying, ‘NO’ to things that don’t lead to your work.

It’s okay to take breaks though, every week, give yourself at least one free day.

Mark Zuckerberg, the man who made more than a billion on certain days.


John Mayer defined himself he is what a failed Jimi Hendrix looks like

Whenever you are trying to do something and it doesn’t work out, it never means you should not keep on doing it. John Mayer felt successful way before he actually was but told himself so he could keep doing what he wanted to.

John Hanke, the person who made Google Earth, the person who created Pokemon Go quotes here his story in a single line.

Perseverance and Perspective

You need to tell yourself this, ‘This is not the time to stop, keep going keep going a little more”. Perseverance is how countries become great countries, it is how someone becomes a sensation, it is how history is written.

Do you think if Mahatma Gandhi would have stopped after his first accomplishment or after his first failure, he could conquer what he did?

Do you think if Bill Gates would have stopped after his first venture failed, he would have stared Microsoft?

Do you think if Michael Jordon would have stopped playing basketball after he was taken out of the team in his high school, he would have scored those dunks?

Do you think if you stop now, you would become what you want to?

Don’t stop then, keep it going

Make a list about 3 things, tasks you will do; tasks you are currently doing; tasks that you have completed and keep it with yourself nearby and keep looking whenever you need to have a reminder of your own.

Writing things down does make a difference. A BIG DIFFERENCE.

Just do it for a day and you’ll know.

Always, remember, that the real fight you have is with yourself.

You need to fight your lazy ass and remind yourself WHY you should do it.

You need to LISTEN & LEARN more than you talk.

You need to WRITE DOWN your Goals.

You need to KEEP DOING it.


Get up and show up, everyday, no matter what, never give up.

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