An Honest Bullshit Artist


Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast
2 min readJun 24, 2017


170623 All-Day Breakfast — An Honest Bullshit Artist — #253

You need not always suffer for your art. Creation can be as simple as saying, “Let there be light!” And behold, you see that it is good. Not great, mind you, but still good.

Half-baked is okay.

Give yourself permission to play without an objective. Lose the plot, murder the critic, and bury the hatchet.

So much of our delays and hesitations are due to insufficient confidence. When Picasso talked about learning to draw like a child again, he was referring to attitude, not aptitude. An early child—before they are polluted and diluted by group-think and enforced insecurity—is fearless. Pen or sword, they will wield it with the confidence of a Master of Play: an honest bullshit artist who becomes real as they pretend, who blends and blurs the line between intention and outcome, who is completely lost in discovery.

If you get embarrassed, you’re doing it wrong. Keep playing at it.

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All-Day Breakfast is a daily reflection on creativity and the human condition in the modern age. This is issue #253 of 555.

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Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at