TREE: The Reason Everything Exists


Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast
2 min readJul 6, 2019



😂 Yay! Trees can save us from our self-inflicted suicide-by-carbon emissions

Premise One presents an idea that is easy to understand and that people and nations can support and implement immediately. While the ultimate impacts and results are unknown, restoring the Earth’s forrests to their former glory might contribute to a more balanced environment and also assist in climate mitigation.


😭 Boo! Trees cannot save us from our self-inflicted suicide-by-carbon emissions

Premise Two presents an idea that is also easy to understand: doing anything en mass will have unpredictable results. That’s something greedy corporations and politicians can seize upon to further their own wealth and perpetuate the status quo of burning fossil fuels and decimating forests. We don’t know what will happen! “The net results of planting a trillion trees are inconclusive, therefore we will continue spew carbon into the atmosphere at record rates and hope that we have enough money left over to live on Mars when things really heat up.”


When will everyone realize that it doesn’t matter how rich you are on a dead planet? And when I say dead, I mean humans. Nature will continue long after we’re gone.

Life, uh, finds a way. —Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurrasic Park


All-Day Breakfast is a daily reflection on creativity and the human condition in the modern age — sometimes satirical in nature. This is issue #266 of 555.

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Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at