Undone, yet not done


Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast
2 min readApr 3, 2016


160402 All-Day Breakfast—Undone, yet not done—#170

Sometimes life kicks you right in that very same place that holds your courage. Yeah, that place.

I was recently betrayed by people that I thought were friends. I was truthful with them, and they took advantage of me. They didn’t have to. They could have been honest too, and I would have accepted their position and we all could have come to an amicable compromise. But instead, they waited for me to pass through a dark alley, jumped me, and kicked me hard in the balls (metaphorically of course).

So now things are a bit of a mess.


I’m not going to stop trusting people. Not everyone is the same. I want to find the people worth trusting and enjoy them.

I’m always surprised when people are cowards. But I’ve been one too, so in the spirit of (one-sided) empathy, I’ll forgive them. Eventually. As soon as I can walk again.

In the meantime, I’m on the lookout for new friends.*

*No, this post is not about my dog.

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Jason Theodor
All-Day Breakfast

is an Executive Design Leader, Speaker, Writer, Consultant who is trying to comprehend his surroundings. Find more at JasonTheodor.com