Levelling up your RxJS skills

A collection of important tips you may not know about RxJS

Gabriel Stellini
All Front


The RxJS docs would probably be bigger than that!

[ This article and any updates are published on allfront.io. ]

What’s covered here?

Let’s cut to the chase; This article goes over a quick RxJS refresher and provides practical tips for using RxJS. We also cover common the most common operators and things to look out for. At the end of the article, we also cover tooling suggestions which will significantly improve your rxjs debugging.

What is RxJS?

To quote the official documentation:

RxJS (or reactive extensions for javascript) is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences

One of the best things about RxJS is readability. You can mix asynchronous and synchronous logic, as well as use hundreds of out-of-the-box operators that are also well documented and tested, allowing you to do all sorts of asynchronous operations super quickly. There are also debugging tools available to debug and improve on your observable piping.

Other cool features include:
✍ The ability to be cancellable,
🚩 The error handling is quite neat ,
⚡ The power to listen to the result of an observable in multiple places.

