How to Setup All in One SEO Pack for 2019

Red Near
All in One SEO Pack
2 min readSep 6, 2019

All in one SEO Plugin Pack is the most useable plugin. First Bigger SEO plugin is the Yoast SEO plugin. Second is all in one SEO plugin. All in one SEO plugin is the some another SEO plugin. All in one SEO(A.I.O). For Newly blogger most of the use this plugin, this plugin is straightforward for useable. You don’t need to the new configuration.AIOSEO Pack IS fully Customize in your WordPress Website.

Read:-Top Plugin For WordPress| Mostly Use Need for your WordPress
Now we start the All in one SEO Plugin(AIO). Before start configuration the AIO SEO Plugin. I Recommended to you. If you new blogger in WordPress.

Before you configuration AIO SEO PACK. WordPress SEO needs to know. WordPress always said All SEO plugin don’t need to configure the plugin. Because all plugin still saves in default configuration mode. But we need to fast No #1 rank on google. That’s why we need some advanced configuration. Now lates go for configuration stape by stape. If you miss this stape. You did not configure it properly. Your SEO isn’t improved. AIO SEO Pack which will help you lot of traffic to refine your search engine.

First, open WordPress wp-admin —

WP Admin Login Page | WordPress Login Page
Put your user id and password –open your WordPress Dashboard –Go to plugin option–click add new plugin –search bar type All in one SEO –See First One

WordPress All in one SEO
Click to Install Now — Click to active –Now you have successfully installed the plugin.

Note — if you use All in one SEO pack PRO (AIO PRO)– You directly purchase this plugin in your plugin premium option. Either you directly go to all in one SEO Pack website and Buy this plugin and upload plugin.

Plugin General Configuration
You First enter your license key — — Enable Custome Canonical Url For (Checking this option will allow you to customize Canonical URLs for specific posts).– Disable original Titel Tag

Home Page title –You enter your website title for 57 chars for ranking search engine–Home Page Description — Enter your website description 160 chars.

Title setting you can save the default.

Now you can save all the default if you want to site map plugin to all in one SEO plugin and active all plugins manually.

