all in: year two

Learning, growing, evolving. Looks like we’re onto something!

All In
All In
4 min readJan 24, 2022


The second year of All In has passed in the blink of an eye! We spent 2021 working with change makers within the public sector to take a human-centred, systems-thinking approach to tackling complex problems within the Early Childhood Education, Health, and Social Sectors. We helped teams build capacity in human-centred design, and have taken initial steps to build a local community of practice where we can learn and support each other on the continuous learning journey that is needed to co-create a more equitable future.

Pale background and colourful blotches. Black text overlay that says “2021, year 2 in review: 7 completed projects, 2 service jams, 6 prototypes, 59 stakeholders engaged, 102 people actively involved in the design of things that impact them.”
Our second year of business in numbers.

Projects Completed in 2021


A sample journey map that is annotated by purple circles showing where the following elements are: storyboard; insights, observations, pain points, and quotes; newcomer activitiies; organisations and artefacts; options.
Journey map of the Newcomer experience of Medicare (details intentionally blurry to maintain confidentiality)


Capacity Building

  • Human-centred design (HCD) capacity building and mentorship (iESE)
  • Client experience (CX) maturity assessment (GovDesign Academy)

Community Building

Three images aligned horizontally: a green and white pamphlet, a zoom call with six participants, and a blue and yellow illustrated storyboard.
Prototypes created by participants of Freddy Berry Jam 2021

Knowledge Transfer

A screenshot of a website banner. Top half is photo of a clinic with “social research and development field guide” in white text, and thin purple band across bottom with four white logos: river stone recovery centre, phoenix learning centre, all in, SI Canada, and the mcconnell foundation.
Social R&D Field Guide created in collaboration with River Stone Recovery Centre

For more details, check out our case studies. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, please add a comment below or contact us.

Dream Team

It has been privileged to work with an absolute dream roster of designers and researchers in 2021: Molly Balcom Raleigh, Nicole Broeckling, Amanda Hachey, Shawni Beaulieu, Mary Milliken, Joanna Brown, Nick Scott, Rafia Mahli, Osiris Teale, Andrea Koteles, and Tyler Griffin.

We are also thrilled to have welcomed two new team members: Michèle Brideau joining as Operations Manager and Courtney Ivey as Visual Designer.

Continuing the Human-Centred Design of All In

Over the course of the year we dedicated time to revisiting and refining the three key drivers behind the creation of All In: the desire to cultivate a flourishing team, who does excellent work, that has a meaningful impact.

Flourishing Team

To promote the wellbeing of our growing team we have implemented Flexi-Fridays, where — as much as possible — we provide a meeting-free day for team members to engage in self-care or professional learning.

Excellent Work

We started to explore what excellent work means to our team and our clients. Emerging themes include: ethical and methodological rigour, respectful inclusion and collaboration, accessible knowledge sharing, and design justice. Watch this space for an All In framework of excellent work!

Meaningful Impact

We are a purpose driven organisation focussed on reducing social inequities through the human-centred design of public services and social change. We have implemented elements of developmental evaluation into our processes and look forward to formalising our theory of change and outcome measurement in the coming year.

Finally, in recognition of our responsibility to engage meaningfully in Truth and Reconciliation, each team member took the Indigenous Canada Course. As a company headquartered on the unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) and Mi’kmaq Peoples, we made our first of what will be annual donations that in total match or exceed our annual donation to the Federal Government (corporate income tax) to Indigenous Organisations: Idle No More and the Under One Sky Friendship Centre in Fredericton. In the spirit of reconciliation, we encourage other settler-led businesses to do the same.

Heartfelt thanks to the clients, collaborators, and community who made 2021 so special. We’re excited to keep building on this momentum in 2022 and working with you to design public services and social change with creativity, compassion, and dignity.

We’d love for you to join us. Get in touch!

