Webpack configuration setup — part II

All is Web
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2018
webpack loaders can transform all kind of files into usable modules. Photo by Luis Alfonso Orellana on Unsplash

this article is the second part of a basic webpack setup for web applications.

in last article we saw how to bundle and serve javascript files in webpack.

now, let’s learn to serve our assets — styles, images etc.

serving styles (css, scss etc.)

  1. create a file style.css in src folder.
  2. define below class for our loaded image from part 1
.img-sample {   border: 2px solid red;}

3. now we will define our third important configuration for the webpack file. it’s called loaders and is defined by module property in webpack.config file.

webpack can bundle all kinds of files but it understands only javascript. loaders transform all other kind of files into their javascript equivalents.

each loader takes a certain kind of file as input and transforms these files into modules to be included in our bundle. module is an object type property which defines all the loader rules in a rules array property. each loader rule needs two properties:

a. test — type of file to be transformed ( can be a regex pattern)

b. use — the loader to do this transformation, can be a simple string name of the loader or an object if we want more control

when webpack finds an import statement (eg import './style.css'), it applies the test pattern to match with the filename. if it finds a match, the corresponding loaders are applied to transform this file into javascript.

for css files, we will be using style-loader and css-loader so let’s install these.

npm install --save-dev style-loader css-loader

and define loader module rules:

module: {  rules: [    {      test: /\.css$/,      use: [        'style-loader',        'css-loader'      ]    }  ]}

4. now if we import style.css file in app.js

import './style.css';

and run

npm start

we can see our defined style applied to the loaded image. we can also include sass loaders to compile sass files into css for *.scss files.

similarly, it’s easy to configure webpack loaders for other assets like images, fonts etc.

in next article, we will see how to configure webpack to auto insert the generated bundle in our html file, so we don’t have to do it manually.

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