One of These Days I’ll See You Around

Araci Almeida
All my lovers
Published in
1 min readJan 24, 2022


We pretend that we are just going to have a coffee and a nice chat.

Between meaningless speeches come laughter, yours and mine.The waiter arrives but we barely hear him speak. We are still absorbed by all that magic.

The space is beautiful, you know how to enchant me.In the background, there’s an ancient Chinese screen, and at its side transparent red curtains.

I can see the garden in the background. It’s sunny, very sunny indeed.

I barely noticed when you got up and were already taking my hand to go to the place I was observing.We walked together without saying anything to each other, we just smiled.

We stopped.I Stopped.

You look at me, as no one else does, and kissed me the same way, and I smiled.Yes, kissing without smiling is like loving without being loved.

We left the space, right away, with the greatest passion in the world to give ourselves completely to each other.And at nightfall, after crazy words and warm hugs, we made love.

I never saw you again, never even looked at your eyes, never listened to oriental music, never saw flowers, never talked to you anymore.

I went back to that place. It’s closed. Maybe it only existed in my dreams…



Araci Almeida
All my lovers

9 Times Top Writer, but it doesn't matter anymore. I write about Portugal, I think.