15 most powerful signs from #GOPHandsOffMe protests

Dani Marrero Hi
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

Hundreds of women across the U.S. gathered on October 18 to protest against Republican presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, and demanded that the GOP withdraw their support for his campaign.

The wave of national protests sparked after a vulgar video was released of Trump bragging about sexually harassing women.

The protests, led by women of color, were organized under #GOPHandsOffMe and held in more than 15 cities.

Support #GOPHandsOffMe by signing this petition: http://bit.ly/WomenDefeatTrump. #TrumpVSAllOfUs

1. “Pussies in formation!”

2. “Pussy grabs back”

3. “I wanna grow up in a world free of misogyny!”

4. “Pride of pussies”

5. “Grab him by the polls”

6. “If only women voted: Pussy control”

7. “Keep your tiny hands to yourself”

8. “Super pussy”

9. “My body, my choice”

10. “F**k you cheeto voldemort”

11. “Grab my pussy muhf*ka I DARE YOU”

12. “In my locker room we talk…”

13. “Make racists afraid again”

14. “#TrumpVSAllOfUs”

15. “Pussies against Trump. You can’t grab this”

Support #GOPHandsOffMe by signing this petition: http://bit.ly/WomenDefeatTrump. #TrumpVSAllOfUs

