Important Julia Packages for Data-Science and Machine-Learning

Arshpreet Singh Khangura
1 min readMay 28, 2017


  1. Julia Ipython:

Julia is able to run very well on you Ipython notebook Environment. After all, All you have to do is Data-Science and Machine-Learning. :)

1.1 Open Julia Prompt(At Ubuntu it works like typing ‘julia’ command in your Terminal)

1.2 run command > Pkg.add(“IJulia”) # it will do almost all the work.

2. DataFrames: Whenever you have to read lot of files in Excel-Style Julia DataFrames Package is good to go.


3. Arduino:

A Julia Package for interacting with Arduino.

4. Neural Network Implementation of Julia:

5. Visualizing and Plotting in Julia:

6. Reading and writing CSV files in Julia

7. DataClusting in Julia:

For more Large number of Packages, Please refer following link:

Note*: You can also run most of the Shell commands in Julia environment as well. :)



Arshpreet Singh Khangura

Software Development, Complex System integration, Web Development, Software Architecture, ML/AI, Open Source Contribution.