About those weird days

Ana Paula
All the About
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2014

Even somewhere over the rainbow people have bad days.

When I started writing here I thought about the subjects that I would approach, and one of them was the whole living abroad thing that I’ve been mostly talking about since then. While I was considering to share my experiences of a year out of my comfort-bubble, one of the negative aspects was the fact that I might get really sad, angry or annoyed by something one day and come here to say a lot of bad things about it, or that maybe I would only focus on the dreamy side and leave some issues under the carpet.

Well then, I had some reasons and almost did come here to complain about how much I miss my life back home and how I’m not in Kansas anymore, but it’s been a year and the yellow brick road still far from the end. Every time I hear the Wicked Witch of the West whispering in my ears the word surrender it makes me ask myself why should I? Most of times the answer is fear, and yes the fact that you get your stuff put them in a bag and go away doesn’t mean that you’re not scared or open-minded enough to face the world as it is, there will be days when all you want is to be surrounded by your family and friends (and believe me even that weird part of the family will make you feel nostalgic), but remember that while you’re here missing them they’re hoping for you to have amazing times and bring a lot of stories to tell, they want you to go far, they’re cheering for you.

In spite of all the fear and saudade, bad days can happen by other circumstances, like you may feel bothered by things related to people who lives with you, people who works with you or even the work atmosphere may cause you headaches, but this is normal, and as I said before it happens everywhere. So yeah it’s cool to live abroad, to have different jobs and live with different people, but it doesn’t mean it will be easier or that your regular problems won’t be there. My advice is never stop questioning your thoughts, feelings and goals, learn to live with the changes and instability that you pledged by starting all this and remember: You’re living an adventure, so be brave and never take off your red shoes.

Keep walking, Dorothy. Even if that means that sometimes you’ll have to start singing and dancing with lions, canned people and scarecrows, they will help you to face your witches in the end. And don’t feel disappointed when you figure out that there’s no such thing as a Great Wizard of Oz, the secret of your courage and success will be always in your heart. And about home, it will always be there too, wherever you are.

(wow, that was cheesy)



Ana Paula
All the About

A misunderstood girl who tries to live la vida loca, pero no mucho.