DAY 12 — Escapril: Spring Cleaning

Ashleigh M.
All The Little Things
1 min readApr 12, 2019

day twenty three:


how many dust bunnies have

joined me on the floor –

contemplations of freedom

clutter my personal space


face flooded with the product of dysphoria,

as i fail to relate with this form of growth,

finding physical abundance anew


puberty entertains itself

once more with my body

debating final forms, i

wonder if the permanence

of objects gone is a myth


with each change, am i

myself no longer? i hunt

for meaning, chasing

narnia at the back of my

hole in the wall, home


to clothes that don’t fit,

and lives i once lived,

who is the i am of today?


seeking solitude in

a wasteland of

black screens


scrolling through fields

of ticketed squares –



each dollar, key

in the realm of



tell me, do you hold the answers i need?

and once you too are done with me, when

my self image has ben spring cleaned,

will i absorb new meaning?

follow @themessywrites on IG for more



Ashleigh M.
All The Little Things

Comfort-obsessed, unfixed being. Always trying. Continually coming to be. Currently working on Dark Matter: the publication where unspoken thoughts find words.