Devilish Dentists

Oh, The Horror

Ashlynn White
All the Random


Fri-YAY, September 22nd, 2023

My Intro📣

Good morning, I apologize for not publishing this yesterday as I said I would, but I had to go back to the dentist to get the crown shaved down and I really just felt like relaxing in bed, it was a rough day.
Not having such a good one today either but that’s alright.


Alright, so I’m writing the bulk of this story while I sit here, teeth chattering, waiting to go to the dentist. Let…



Ashlynn White
All the Random

✨Top Writer in Energy✨ Capricorn who loves her Cats, Reading, and Writing. I've been called a Word Fairy🧚🏻‍♀️ and a Gothic Heroine🦇 so I'm sticking by that!!