Night Write

Creepy Story for Bedtime Reading

Ashlynn White
All the Random


May 2nd, 2024

Guess what?! I finished my semester (basically)… I’m waiting on one last assignment to be graded, but as long as I get a 33% on it I will complete this semester with a 4.0!
Since I wrapped that up I figured I would come on here and stir up those creative juices. Be nice though, I haven’t written fiction in AWHILE!

March 7th: 3:30am
I don’t remember the exact way I look but I know it’s not this,
I said to myself as I reached toward the uncanny image reflecting back…



Ashlynn White
All the Random

✨Top Writer in Energy✨ Capricorn who loves her Cats, Reading, and Writing. I've been called a Word Fairy🧚🏻‍♀️ and a Gothic Heroine🦇 so I'm sticking by that!!