The Pink Section (CT)

Ashlynn White
All the Random
Published in
3 min readSep 23, 2022


Fri-YAY, September 23rd, 2022

Don’t you hate those gender norms? Growing up, literally as a girl, I was always told that I shouldn’t play/wear/associate with pink things because it’s too feminine and my parents want a strong, independent daughter.

Literally what the fuck, it’s color. Instead, I was pushed towards green and yellow; “soft and intellectual,” they said.

Whatever, I love pink, and I’m going to bask in this post.



Ashlynn White
All the Random

✨Top Writer in Energy✨ Capricorn who loves her Cats, Reading, and Writing. I've been called a Word Fairy🧚🏻‍♀️ and a Gothic Heroine🦇 so I'm sticking by that!!