Fifteen Minutes Is All I Ask

By: Sean Colcleasure

Flora, in her 40s with a blue head band on her head
Jake, in his 30s wearing khakis
DJ, age unimportant. Voice only

Lights come up on Jake walking across the stage, a drink in his hand.

I’ll be right back. I just want to hit the head. (Yelling) Don’t announce the king and queen before I get back.
Coming out from the shadows.
Hi Jake, I heard you were back in town. How have you been?
(Surprised and noticeably uneasy.) Flora? Hey. Umm, what are you doing here?
Looking for you. I ran into your parents the other day and they sort of mentioned you’d be here. (Moving closer) I really think we need to talk.
(Hurriedly finishing off his drink quickly) Uhh, I don’t think we should be doing this right now.
Why? What is wrong with now?
For starters, Karen is over there…she’s my wife now. Plus, this is my reunion. So, I don’t really have time for this right now.
Just give me fifteen minutes. It’s all I ask.
I can’t.
Why not?
Uhh, I think I just told you. My wife’s here, plus I don’t think my high school reunion is the time or place for this. (Pause) And speaking of my reunion, how did you get in here?
(Dismissive) Jake, please, does that really matter? I’m here, and I really need to talk about what went wrong, why you left me. (Getting emotional) I always thought we were good together. Weren’t we? (Silence) You know that I was always on your side, right? That I was always there for you when you needed me?
(Taking her arm and moving her into the shadows) Yes, that is true, but that was a long time ago. I’m a different person now.
I know, I can see that. For Heaven’s Sake, you’re wearing khakis and a tie. Khakis! What’s become of you? (Taking something out of her purse) Just look at your snapshot I carry with me. (Showing him her phone) You used to be a bit more reckless, a bit more dangerous…cool and now…now, you just look hideous.
Alright Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s almost time to announce the king and queen of this year’s reunion. So please start making your way back toward the dance floor.
Ummm…I’ve really gotta go. (Motions his head toward the restroom) And then I need to get back to my wife and friends.
(Getting noticeably louder) But what about me? What about us? Weren’t we good together? Didn’t I always keep my promises to you?
(Trying to calm her down) Yes, yes, of course you did. You always…wait…what promises?
Oh Jake, like you don’t know…giving you peace of mind, a better way of life, ensuring our future…I mean your future.
Okay, are you ready? Let’s start with the ladies…
He’s getting ready to call the queen’s name. I really gotta go. I’m sorry.
Don’t you walk out on me again, Jake. I couldn’t handle it if you did. We had something, something special. Don’t you remember your first car and all time we spent together? (Daydreaming) That first car looked so good on you. What ever happened to it?
I sold it to buy our minivan.
A minivan? You? I can’t believe it. I could never picture you that way.
Flora, I’m sorry. The guy you remember existed a long time ago. My life has changed. I’ve graduated college, gotten married, had a son. I own a house now, two cars and I’m working as a police officer. I’ve grown up, matured and…
That’s why I’m here. It’s time that you came back to me, Jake. I can do things to make your life better. (Stepping in closer and taking his hand) Let’s get you back where you belong. You do know you’re in good hands with me, don’t you?
(Pulling his hand away and stepping back into the light) I don’t know what you’re getting at. I mean, do you do this with all of your ex…
(Cutting him off) No. It’s you. Everything that has happened to me…all of my problems are because of you, Jake.
What are you talking about?
You were the first to leave me.
First to leave you…well, I’m sorry, but maybe it because of this (Motions to her). It was always hard to be around you. You always wanted too much. You were always asking for more.
It’s because I wanted you to have the best of everything. And now where are you? Who knows how you’re being treated.
Congratulations Karen. I think we all know why you’re wearing that crown tonight. Don’t we guys? No, I’m just joking. Alright fellas, it’s time to announce her king for the night.
I couldn’t ask for anything better. My life is good, and everything is how it should be. (Pause) Look, I’ve got it all covered, just like I always have.
I’ve moved on, Flora and so should you.
But Jake, you know that being in the right hands makes all the difference, and I want to be those hands. Just give us one more shot, please.
Jake Farmer, who’s definitely had enough drinks to get to a better state, come on up here and claim your crown.
Hey, that’s me. I won. Did you hear that (awkwardly hugging Flora), I won. I’ve really gotta go now. Sorry.
But Jake, what about me? What about us?
You’ll be fine, just like you were with me. You’re an insurance agent, Flo. There will always be another guy like me, looking for car insurance. I just needed someone who could wrap all my coverages together at a lower rate. (Walking away) It was never personal.
(To herself) That’s what they always say. It’s never personal. (Taking notice of somebody off stage) Hey, hey you, how’s your insurance coverage?

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