Comorbidities of ADHD: RSD

CL Huth
All Things ADHD
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2023


Wow, my deeply felt reaction to rejection wasn’t ‘normal’ or an overreaction

From Dominee at

I assume you’re going to leave me.

Let me rephrase that.

I assume you’re going to grow weary of my bullshit and walk away.

It doesn’t matter to me that you don’t know you’re going to do this.

It doesn’t matter that you look at me and see no reason to go, that what I know to be true sounds like a ridiculous overthink.

It doesn’t matter that you find me engaging now.

Eventually one of two things is going to happen:

  1. You will outright cut me out of your life, usually without telling me, or
  2. You will fade me out of a place in your life.

The hardest part is that I’m going to let you. It’s going to break my heart, cause me to withdraw, grow weary of finding new friends and I’ll count it as further proof that I am not necessary outside of my ever-shrinking circle.

While this mindset has deep roots fed by my abandonment issues — after all, if my birth mother left me, why would anyone else stay? — I’ve discovered after my ADHD diagnosis that this feeling is actually a comorbity called Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD). (This does not…



CL Huth
All Things ADHD

Award-winning author of the Zoe Delante Thriller series (, mother, nerd, and the biggest cheerleader you’ll ever have on your side. #paranormal