The problem is you.

Adam McGowan
All things Advertising
2 min readFeb 5, 2016


How often do creative departments provide multiple options?
Too often in my opinion. But never the less, they do. And there’s always that option you hope the client doesn’t choose. I’ve definitely been in that situation, several times. It‘s not nice — As more often than not, clients go for the option you didn’t want them to.

But, It’s not the clients fault. Nor the Creative Directors.
There’s only one person you can blame — It’s you.
You came up with the idea. You made it. You showed it your Creative Director. You put it in front of the client.

I know this sounds basic, but it took me ages to figure it out. As soon as I did though, I felt a weight off my shoulders. I now didn’t mind what option the client chose. They were all good ideas (in my opinion). It made me really focus on what worked and consequently I’ve never shown anything to my Creative Director that I didn’t want the client to choose.
Sure it takes longer and it’s was harder work — But it seems to pay off.

So next time you start a project, plan ahead. Only do work that you’ll happily see a client choose. Don’t show your Creative Director anything you‘re not willing to shout from the rooftops about. Of course, things will try and stop you; deadlines will loom, people can interrupt with several ‘can you just’s’. But always take the time to step back and ask yourself — Do I want this option to be picked? If the answer is no, find the time to do another. You might get your wrist slapped. But if it takes longer and your work is worth the wait — You’ll be forgiven.
I was once told “it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.”
Hold that thought.

My advice?
Make work you’re proud of. If a client chose the crap option, it’s your fault – Not theirs.

Adam McGowan
Art Director



Adam McGowan
All things Advertising

I talk design, advertising, photography, digital, ideas, drawings, technology... Anything creative.