Advertising – Going viral.

Adam McGowan
All things Advertising
2 min readFeb 2, 2016


As soon as I hear someone say “We need a viral video” — my skin crawls.
“What hashtag will make it go viral.” — Grrr.
‘Viral’ seems to be a term that’s completely misunderstood.
And one that’s often used out of context.

Just because something is made, doesn’t mean it’ll go viral.
For something to go viral, it has to be different.
And it needs a decent idea driving it.
In other words, something has to be worth sharing.
And by sharing, I don’t just mean on social media.
Social media certainly helps.
But things have gone ‘viral’ way before social platforms.
It just wasn’t called ‘viral’.
It was called ‘word of mouth’.
I mean how many times have you heard someone say — Does exactly what it says on the tin?
Or said — Good things come to those who wait?
Both of these ads went viral way before Twitter & Facebook.

Successful ads are one’s worth talking about.
Aimed at people that lead conversations.
Ads like the dancing pony for Three Mobile.
Or the cadbury’s gorilla playing Phil Collins.
Metro train’s ‘Dumb ways to die’.
The old man on the moon for John Lewis.
Even ads that are surrounded by controversy like Protein World’s — Are you beach body ready.
Or the scary ‘missing our deals will haunt you’ campaign by Phones4u .
Good or bad, cute or shocking – They get results and get people talking.
They prod, provoke, entertain, amaze and stimulate.
As ads should do.
Especially if we expect people to share them.

So get someone fired up.
Make people laugh.
Make ’em cry.
Shock them.
Entertain them.
Be controversial.
Just don’t fall into the trap of thinking because you’ve made it, people will automatically share it.

My advice?
Produce something that evokes a reaction — give them something to talk about. Then I reckon it’s got the potential to go viral.

Adam McGowan
Art Director



Adam McGowan
All things Advertising

I talk design, advertising, photography, digital, ideas, drawings, technology... Anything creative.