Courtesy: Herman Miller, Inc.

To Architecture with Love

An ode to design.

All Things Art
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2013


I have always been incredibly fascinated by the beauty and tranquility of architecture. Through complex and gorgeous ways, architecture has subtly manifested itself in my daily life. Whether I knew it or not, this distinct manifestation has always been a part of my life, and I can think back to one particular event when I decided to actually pursue an interest based on these manifestations.

One evening, my parents were debating whether we should move to a different house. When they asked for my opinion, the first thing that ran through my mind was, move away from this house? It wasn't leaving the community, the school, or the friends that came into my mind, it was leaving the house. This house had become a part of me, my identification, my personality. I slowly allowed my mind to go deeper into this thought — how could one house mean so much?

I instantly thought about the very person who had the largest role in the production of the house. Who knew that that person, that architect, would be a vital key to shaping who I am today? It was that specific night when I decided to return the favor. Ever since that night, it has been my dream to positively change someone through the beauty of architecture. Whether it is simply a house, or any other architectural structure, I want to create a living space that shapes their personality.

The person I dream of becoming is the architect who designed my own house. Unbeknownst to him, that architect had an unbelievably positive effect on my life. And I hope to touch someone the same way he touched me.

