How Disney has brought culture to their movies (1)

Madisyn Portsche
All Things Disney
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2018

The older Disney movies, like Snow White and Cinderella, were all based on a mostly white characters. The main reason for these actions was the time period Walt Disney grew up in and the time period the movies were released. Since then, Disney has come out with multiple movies that star characters from another race.

The first African-American Disney princess was Tiana, a hardworking young girl who turns into a frog and has to find a way to break the spell she was put under. This movie came out in 2009 and was a great way to finally introduce an African-American into the Disney princess’s because they showed her as a strong, hardworking individual who doesn’t depend on anyone or anything. This was a great way to represent this culture because many people still don’t think African-Americans can accomplish things that Caucasians could.

The most recent Disney princess movie that came out was Moana. This movie is about an island girl named Moana that has to restore the heart Te fiti because a demigod named Maui who stole the heart and Moana’s island is dying because of the stolen heart. This movie came out in 2016 and includes different races throughout the movie. Because Disney movies have been making movie with different races for awhile now, kids have not noticed that older Disney movies only included white characters so the movie has become one of the favorite Disney princess movies among children.

Another Disney movie that recently came out is Coco. This movie is about a boy named Miguel finds himself in The Land of the Dead and unlocks the secrets of his family history. Miguel and his family are of Mexican heritage, which is one of the few Disney movies that include Mexican characters. This movie came out in 2017 and represents the Mexican culture well because of all the life lesson included that are important for children to watch. It is also important for children to watch this movie so they can learn about other cultures in today’s society.

In conclusion, Disney has started to expand the number cultures included in the films produced. In the early years of Disney, the characters were almost all white except for a few in certain movies. The company has started to bring ethnicity to its films including the first African-American princess, an island girl and a Mexican boy and his family. It has been important for Disney to release these films because it helps its viewers connect with the films more, especially the ethnic viewers.


“Disney Princesses 2018.” DeviantArt,

