Walt Disney (synthesis) (2)

Madisyn Portsche
All Things Disney
Published in
3 min readDec 11, 2018

Walt Disney was a man who reinvented the way families are entertained. He created theme parks all around the world to bring happiness to families. Although he has brought happiness he has also become know as a semi-racist human being. Walt Disney may have been a little racist just because of the era Walt lived in but many people don’t know this information.

A source states, “While Walt Disney was an innovative and successful man, he was also the subject of many controversies, most of which involved rumors that he was anti-Semitic and racist”(Biography). Walt Disney was born in 1901 and died in 1966 and during this period of time, most people were racist. Many people have stopped going to Disney just for this reason but the evidence has not been proved and should not be the deciding factor on weather or not a family takes a vacation there. A researchers proves this when the researcher states,“As for alleged racism and misogyny, ‘Disney was very much of his time and place,’ Colt says”(USA Today). Growing up and living in the time frame Walt Disney did, it is easy to see why he might of been a little racist at times.

There were also many Disney movies that are considered to be racist. One movie that is considered to be racist was Dumbo. In the film “we are introduced to the gang of crows who, again, speak in a very heavy ‘southern African-American jive’. That on its own is quite racist but then you learn the name of the crow leader…Jim Crow. For those out of the loop, the Jim Crow laws were laws brought in that introduced segregation of people across America” (Buzz.ie). This movie was first released in 1941, which was a time when segregation was very common in the United States. Many people have stopped watching this movie because of the scenes with the crows. Although this film is considered racist, there are still many life lessons that overpower the racist statements. One life lesson is people change people. A source proves this when the writer says, “Just like the adult elephants, the crows are really mean to Dumbo at first. They mock him for having big ears and for thinking that he can fly. However, once they learn about his past and what happened to his mother, they apologize and decide to help him. This is important because, while people can be mean, sometimes it is worth giving them a second chance” (HC). This life lesson and many others have a greater value than the few racist scenes and characters in this movie. These factors are the same for all of the other Disney movies that are not being seen for their true value but as a label because of a few racist scenes.

These sources prove that even though the creator of Disney may have been racist at times should not stop people from visiting the theme parks and watching the movies. Many people living around this time were racist at one point and people need to start understanding this and not punish Walt Disney for this.


Cox, Rachel. “Life Lessons I’ve Learned From Disney Movies Part 3: Dumbo.” Her Campus, www.hercampus.com/school/siena/life-lessons-ive-learned-disney-movies-part-3-dumbo.

Feeney, Oisin. “8 Disney Movies That Have Been Criticised for ‘Being Racist.’” Buzz.ie, www.buzz.ie/movies-tv/racist-disney-movies-251688.

Ryan, Patrick. “PBS Doc Shows Darker Side of Disney.” USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 9 Sept. 2015, www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2015/09/09/walt-disney-jim-henson-pbs-documentary/71891210/.

White, Micah. “Walt Disney: 7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Man & the Magic.” Biography.com, A&E Networks Television, 5 Feb. 2015, www.biography.com/news/walt-disney-biography-facts-video.

