Practical Guide To Shopping For Clothes: what to look for, buy and avoid

Abi Khait
Beauty & Style Guide with Abi
4 min readSep 13, 2022


Recently, I was at my regular mall, and I noticed a newly opened store. I had heard of this brand before but did not own anything from them. I got curious and walked into the store. I had high hopes for this brand, but I was quickly disappointed. The garments, materials, and style were not what I expected.

After the visit, I thought that this could be a great blog post. I will share with you what I am looking for when learning about a new brand. The critical aspects either make me buy an item or walk out of a store empty-handed.

Conscious Shopping

I firmly believe that we must prioritize quality other quantity. We must apply critical analysis and logical reasoning when buying new items to help save the planet by investing in good-for-the-planet materials, spending money wisely on timeless pieces, and maintaining well-organized closet space.

To shop consciously, I try to focus on core principles that matter to me. And everyone has different values and preferences, but it is critical to identify them before shopping. Once you know what matters to you, it will be easier to make wise choices and stay focused while shopping.

My Shopping Experience

