Secret of Life, Found

Asis Panda
Excelsior by Asis Panda
2 min readJan 25, 2015


I think I found the secret of life…
I am 24, have been looking around since I was 10, I guess
There were days I was happy, then there were days I was sad
There were days I had no control on my mood
And the world was always at fault.

The world didn’t seem a much happy place.
Theres poverty and terrorism,
Disease and calamities.
There are rich and powerful,
hope and despair.
But none making the world a better place.

But theres hope…
Because I found the secret of life.
Now I am always happy.
My life is always in my control.

Even if I miss gym and be unproductive,
Not socialize
Or miss my assignment deadline,
My mood’s in my control.
I think, because I found the secret of life.

And the secret is,
Just smile, breath, love and live.

I realized
Nobody can and should be able to take your happiness, your smile.
No matter how successful I am or fail,
However rich I be or poor,
I’d be living and breathing.
Till then
Theres no reason
I can’t crack a smile
Fill my heart with the joy from the smile
And bask in the happiness of being alive.

For every moment I’m alive,
There’s potential,
There’s scope for more,
More effort, more undertanding, more love.
As long as I’m alive
I can Do.

