From Good-enough to Great: Leveraging Google Optimize’s Retirement to Enhance A/B Testing Up to 1,000%

Exciting news: the sun is setting on Google’s A/B testing tool Optimize, and it’s a tremendous opportunity for growth and improvement. While the discontinuation of Google Optimize may initially seem like a setback, it’s actually a blessing in disguise. Why settle for the limited feature set of Google Optimize when you can use this mandatory switch to soar to new heights with a more robust alternative?

If you’ve been using Google Optimize’s “just-good-enough” A/B testing tools, this is the perfect time to break free from their constraints and unlock the true potential of A/B testing. I understand that the thought of switching may seem daunting, but trust me, the rewards are worth it. And here’s the best part: you’ll even save money in the process.

With an abundance of Google Optimize alternatives flooding the market and countless articles discussing them, it’s important to focus on what truly matters. In this article, we’ll provide you with a side-by-side comparison of Optimize with the expansive capabilities of one particular tool: Personyze. As you’ll soon see, Personyze’s robust feature set for A/B testing and beyond will leave you scratching your head wondering why you ever stuck it out so long with Optimize’s just-good-enough options.

A 1,000% Upgrade?

Prepare to be amazed by the remarkable upgrade that Personyze offers compared to Google Optimize. It may sound like a bold claim, but the truth is that Personyze provides an astounding 1000% boost in features when you consider its wide range of personalization capabilities that extend beyond traditional A/B testing. From advanced targeting and segmentation to dynamic landing pages and personalized recommendations, Personyze empowers you to deliver highly tailored experiences that leave a lasting impact.

Even if we focus solely on A/B testing features, Personyze still represents an impressive 200–300% enhancement. How is this possible? Here’s why: Personyze offers a seamless and intuitive user interface that simplifies campaign creation and optimization. Its robust integration capabilities make implementation effortless, saving you valuable time and resources. Additionally, Personyze provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools, enabling data-driven decision-making for improved campaign performance and user engagement.

A/B Testing Features Missing in Google Optimize

For starters, there are many features that really should be standard A/B testing options, that Google Optimize is simply missing, which of course Personyze has:

  • Popups
  • Forms
  • Dragging/relocation
  • Resizing
  • User dynamic variable insertion (name, company name, industry, etc.)
  • Control groups
  • Different rotation methods (random, by session, by the user, etc.)
  • Automatic winner deployment

So, as you can see, right off the bat we have a lot of key features for A/B testing that Optimize just never had in the first place. Next, let’s check out some side-by-side comparisons of what such a robust solution looks like next to the bare-bones Optimize.

Targeting Rules for A/B Testing

Targeting Rules in Google Optimize

Targeted segmentation is a crucial aspect of A/B testing, as it allows you to tailor content versions to specific subsets of your audience. While Google Optimize offers some targeting rules, as displayed above, they are relatively limited in scope. In contrast, Personyze provides a comprehensive range of targeting rules that surpasses what can be shown in a single screenshot, necessitating the inclusion of additional panels here below. With Personyze’s extensive array of targeting options, you gain the flexibility to fine-tune your A/B tests based on specific interests, geographic regions, and much more. The breadth of targeting possibilities empowers you to create highly personalized experiences for different audience segments, ultimately optimizing the impact and effectiveness of your tests.

Targeting Rules for A/B Testing (or other applications) in Personyze

Content Changes for A/B Testing (Actions)

Content Change Options in Google Optimize

The ability to make impactful changes to the page being tested is undoubtedly crucial in A/B testing. In an ideal scenario, your creative marketing ideas and the boundaries of HTML+CSS form the only limitations. However, when using Google Optimize, you’ll encounter several restrictions that surpass these limits. As mentioned earlier, some of these limitations include the inability to freely drag page elements to different locations, resize them, or insert user variables. Moreover, Google Optimize lacks options for popups or forms, restricting you to banners alone. In stark contrast, Personyze offers a comprehensive suite of possibilities, allowing you to A/B test virtually any change you envision, granting you unparalleled freedom and flexibility (as exemplified below).

Primary Content Actions in Personyze for A/B Testing (or other applications)

WYSIWYG Editor Options

WYSIWYG Editor Options in Google Optimize

What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editors are a fixture in A/B testing, but not all WYSIWYGs are created equal. As you can see above, the options for what you can do on the page with the WYSIWYG in Google Optimize are fairly limited, compared to the possibilities with Personyze below, which include moving, resizing, changing links, inserting variables, running custom script, changing design, images, text, etc.

Personyze WYSIWYG Editor

Control Groups for Cross-Campaign Testing

Rotation Settings for A/B Tests in Google Optimize

The effectiveness of A/B testing heavily relies on the rotation of content versions among users. When comparing Google Optimize to Personyze, it becomes evident that the former offers limited options in this regard. Notably, Google Optimize lacks a control group option that applies universally across all campaigns, ensuring a specific group of site visitors remains unaffected by any A/B tests. Furthermore, it lacks other essential rotation features, such as the ability to rotate by user (ensuring consistent content version for each user), by session (ensuring consistent content version within a session), or randomly. In contrast, Personyze’s A/B testing functionality encompasses all of these options, granting you greater control and flexibility for your testing initiatives.

Rotation Settings for A/B Testing in Personyze

Price Comparison

Pricing considerations play a significant role when choosing between Google Optimize and another solution such as Personyze. While Google Optimize keeps its pricing details under wraps and encourages direct communication with sales representatives, industry estimates suggest that it can cost medium-to-large enterprises approximately $150,000 per year. On the other hand, Personyze offers transparent pricing structures on their website, with typical packages tailored even for sizable enterprises starting at around $20,000 per year (based on 10–20 million page views per month). This marked contrast in pricing highlights the affordability of Personyze, especially when considering the substantial upgrade it brings to a website compared to Google Optimize.


Are you ready to take your personalization efforts to new heights? With the discontinuation of Google Optimize, an exceptional opportunity awaits to achieve significant gains in value while optimizing costs. While other A/B testing alternatives may offer cheaper options, they often share the limitations of Google Optimize or lack the robust capabilities required for effective personalization.

If your experience with personalization has been limited to basic A/B testing, it’s time to revolutionize your website’s capabilities. Imagine a dynamic online environment that seamlessly adjusts to the unique interests and needs of each visitor, creating tailored experiences that drive engagement and conversions. This transformation elevates your website from a static platform to an intelligent hub that delivers personalized content and experiences, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Seize this opportune moment to expand your A/B testing into personalization while optimizing your budget. Embracing the future of personalization allows you to unlock the full potential of your website, catering to the preferences of your visitors and fostering meaningful connections. Discover the power of personalization and embark on a journey that redefines your digital success.

