Subjective and Objective

Anshul Pandey
3 min readJan 5, 2011

Subjectivity and Objectivity have always been the two faces of human knowledge, vision, understanding and actions. There are probably the two facets everything — subjective and objective.

Subjective mind, which wants to comprehend the world by self realization, consciousness and is open to dif

ferent interpretations of same objects viewed through different lenses. Subjective mind is open to dialogues, amalgamation of ideas and presents a generic world view that may clash with other person’s subjective opinions.

Objective mind, on the other hand, is bound to (mostly) physical properties of the object, given to oneness of the view and devoid of any individual interpretations. Objective mind considers a view of reality as the only possible and the true view of reality.

Throughout the human history, there have been ideological clashes between the subjective and objective views of the world and ourselves. The fact that we possess a highly sophisticated brain gives birth to subjectivity, but the possession of human body gives rise to the objective world view.

This clash is more evident by studying the ‘progress’ or ‘regress’ of human race. Progress of objectivism and regress of subjectivism. Lack of materialistic pleasures in the ancient world had prompted the human mind to look for inner realization, understanding of natural surroundings and finding the true nature of human mind. However, the same thoughts with subjective bent allowed man to reason the natural phenomenon and identify the prospects of progress to enhance the standard of living. The quest for better standards of living has taken human race to heights of scientific progress. This has truly shaped the thinking of people who have access to tools which were not possible in any recorded human history.

Objective comes from the word ‘Object’ meaning a tangible entity. It is open to experience without the involvement of surroundings and thoughts.

The clashes have been between Religion and Science, where Religion gives the subjective view and Science adheres to objective view of reality.

These clashes are also evident by studying various cultures and their interaction. East is about spiritualism and West is about materialism. Spiritualism translates to subjectivism, and materialism to objectivism.

However, hardly any of our actions are devoid of either, because by nature, human body completes the human brain and vice-versa. Though clashing, these views complement each other and put forth the wholesomeness.

It is always in the collaboration and cooperation that we find the completeness of actions and thoughts. Never will science achieve its goals adhering to its own view, nor will religions if they restrict people from enjoying the fruits of mother Earth.

It is always be that people from east will go to west in search of material goods, at the same time when people from west are traveling towards east to find the true meanings beyond objectivism, yearning for completeness.

East completes the West. Science completes the Religion. Body completes the mind. It is this search for completeness that will help us determine the true meaning of our lives and true destiny of humanity.

