Taking Down Trump

Ken West
All Things Political
5 min readNov 24, 2019

The Democrat/Deep State Playbook, Or… How to Orchestrate a “High Tech Lynching”

Illustration by Investigative Cartoonist Tom White

We’re not fooling around here.” — Adam Schiff

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas could teach Trump a few things about a “high tech lynching.”

Now, President Donald Trump is going through his own version of a high tech Democrat lynching with its Media cheerleaders and Deep State backers, hackers and slackers.

The groundwork was laid long before his infamous call to the new president of Ukraine. That call — as benign as it was — gave his Democrat antagonists a feeble yet workable excuse to hang him for “high crimes and misdemeanors.”

Pathetic though it was as a high crime, Democrats and the Media pumped it us to gargantuan proportions as the “end of Democracy.”

Representative Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat, began his pompous, boy-next-door, routine of parading out every night with more and more headshaking accusations against Trump.

You can watch this spectacle every night on fake news. Instead, let’s look at the Democrat/Deep State playbook.

Donald Trump was never a threat until he became President.

Suddenly, he is.

First, we begin with a list of offenses (just some of them).

President Donald Trump’s Sins:

1) He got elected!

2) He beat the Democrat and Media chosen one, Hillary Clinton.

3) His support came from the vast “flyover country” between the coastal elites. (Hillary Clinton famously labeled its citizens as “deplorables.”)

4) Trump is a businessman and rich. Both are mortal sins according to Elizabeth Warren and like-minded Democrats.

5) He’s brash, ego-driven, and a shoot-from-the-hip fighter, not afraid to offend the politically correct crowd.

6) Along with Congress, he passed the biggest tax cut in decades, one that favors entrepreneurial value-creators who continue to keep the economy working on all cylinders, creating the lowest unemployment in over fifty years.

7) He’s dismantled the plethora of Obama-era regulations that stifled economic growth.

8) He’s dismantling Obama Care and it’s individual (forced) mandate.

9) Trump has done everything in his power to prevent illegal entry into the United States (only to be blocked continuously by lone Democrat Federal Judges).

10) Trump fights back!

11) He reversed Obama Administration “guidelines” on transgender bathrooms.

12) But his unforgivable sin (not counting getting elected) is that he is Donald Trump — a man who pulls forth a visceral reaction from those who hate him personally.

These “sins” just scratch the surface.

Meanwhile, Democrats are busy manufacturing more reasons to take down Trump and his administration.

Fortunately, through a reliable source, I was able to obtain a copy of the Democrat/Deep State Playbook.

In it, the Democrats and their media enablers lay out their strategy and tactics. Here are some highlights:

Democrat/Deep State Playbook — How to Orchestrate a “High Tech Lynching”

1. Claim the Trump’s election is illegitimate — made possible by an archaic Electoral College and low-life, no-nothing voters.

2. Label those supporters as ignorant rednecks — aka “deplorables”

3. Label Trump a racist at every opportunity.

4. Begin various calls for Impeachment early in Trump’s Presidency.

5. Find and publicly parade through the media women who claim Trump was “sexually inappropriate” with them.

6. Encourage Federal Judges (especially from California, Hawaii and other Democrat saddled States) to block any attempt by Trump to limit illegal immigration.

7. Whatever Trump says, whatever he does, stress the negative, never the positive.

(This is particularly important when feeding The New York Times and Washington Post headlines. For example, if Trump suddenly gains the power to walk on water, the headline should read “Trump Can’t Swim.”)

8. Challenge, tooth and nail, every Supreme Court nominee (and all nominees). Use every trick in the playbook… and then some.

9. Block with endless hearings Trump Cabinet appointees.

10. Empower the FBI to go after key Trump Administration officials. Encourage the FBI to find any pretext to arrest them. Then make deals for testimony against Trump.

11. Orchestrate mass “He’s not our President” demonstrations across the country.

12. Renew, night and day, the mantra that Trump colluded and coordinated with the Russians to win the election. Keep it going until a Special Prosecutor is empowered to investigate Trump and his Administration.

13. If the Special Prosecutor is unable or unwilling to prove that Trump colluded, then prepare the groundwork (items 14 through 26) for playbook strategy #27.

14. Demand throughout his Presidency that he turnover his tax returns.

15. Feed the Media with endless allegations of Trump wrongdoing, especially CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

16. If Trump is successful appointing a new Supreme Court Justice, redouble efforts to discredit the Justice with brand new allegations from brand new women (or men).

17. Work with George Soros to fund new anti-Trump initiatives and Deep State subterfuge.

18. Continue to block Trump’s border wall. Use environmental regulations where and when needed.

19. Create false new Russian probe narratives that can be easily retracted if found out.

20. Encourage New York State officials to redouble effort to go after Trump tax returns.

21. Push the Media to claim that Trump puts children in cages.

22. Encourage Hollywood celebrities to boycott Melania and Ivanka speeches, events and initiatives.

23. Claim that Trump uses racial slurs. Don’t worry about evidence; just make the claims.

24. Go after and convict former Trump aids and associates — pressuring them to testify to [KW1] his unfitness to be President.

25. Use every dirty trick in the playbook to discredit Trump’s nominee Brett Kavanaugh. And, if Kavanaugh is confirmed, call for his Impeachment a year after his first term.

26. If the Kavanaugh Impeachment trial balloon falls flat, switch to Impeach Trump.

27. Contact a former Obama/Biden low-level operative held over into the Trump Administration. Convince him to become a “whistleblower” for some alleged Trump transgression. Make sure he coordinates first with our man in Congress, Adam Schiff. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to testify in person.

28. Come up with variations of these tactics as needed.

Democrat dirty tricks and new playbook tactics are being orchestrated as you read these words. The bottom line is this: Democrats and their Deep State Masters will do everything in their power to take Trump down.

But you are now empowered with their playbook and dirty tricks.

You know their game. You know the truth.

When somebody challenges you, fight back.” — Donald Trump

