Her Pleasure Dom

Ruan Willow
7 min readMar 6, 2022
[Image from Shutterstock]

Her lover strokes her hair as she nuzzles against the thin pillow covering his lap. His fingers run smoothly through her curls like a wide-tooth comb, he had worked all the tangles out not ten minutes ago. She smiles as she recalls his promise at breakfast to use every sex toy they own on her at least once over the course of the day. She makes a mental note to buy a second toy box at the store. With the next toy purchase, they’d need one. She wiggles her cheek against the log of his hard cock hidden beneath the pillow. It waits like a gift. She knows he’ll surely make good on that tease before the end of the day.

His hands leave her hair as he reaches for something behind his back. He grins as he waves a black piece of fabric above her head. It undulates in the air rising and falling slower than it seems it should, hypnotizing her.

“Dana. Your pleasure is my only goal today, babe.” The firm resolve in his voice calms her and excites her at once, as it always does. She knows the sexual heights he’s capable of bringing her body to. And she’s ready once more for whatever his plan is this time.

“You’re too good to me, Kent,” she murmurs in a singsong voice.

She sighs softly through parted lips as he ties the sheer scarf across her face, his breath lusciously bathing her neck like humid fog. Her mouth moistens as she waits for him to choose a…



Ruan Willow

Ruan Willow is an erotica author, sexuality/erotica podcaster at Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow, & a voiceover narrator. https://linktr.ee/RuanWillow