15 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Setting Your 2022 Goals

Alena Pollitt (they/she)
All Things Work
Published in
2 min readJan 5, 2022

Reflect deeply on yourself, your work, and 2021’s struggles and successes before setting your individual and team goals for 2022.

I lead the Product team at AboveBoard. Here’s what I’ve told my team to reflect on before we go into 2022 goal setting. While I’ve not yet gone over everyone’s goals in our individual 1:1s, the response so far has been appreciative, so I thought I’d share.

Reflection Questions:

  1. When are you most in your element at work?
  2. What excites you most at work? What feels dreadful?
  3. What do you find inexhaustibly fascinating? Within your role? Within the company? Outside of work?
  4. When have you been the most satisfied with your work? The most annoyed?
  5. Who are the people you most enjoy working with? The best environment for your work?
  6. What do you need to be physically, emotionally, and mentally well both in work and generally in life?
  7. What’s something you accomplished in 2021 at work that you’re really proud of? Outside of work?
  8. How have your skills grown in the past year? Which? What created that growth?
  9. Have you found more effective ways of doing old tasks?
  10. Have you improved processes at work or made things run more smoothly in the last year?
  11. How have you supported other people doing their jobs more effectively in the last year?
  12. If you had complete autonomy as to what to work on at the company in 2022, what would it be and why?
  13. If you could avoid working on/doing any one thing in 2022, what would it be and why? How can it be made more enjoyable or rewarding?
  14. What would you like to have achieved by the end of 2022 within your role? Within the company? Outside work/personally?
  15. What do you want our team to have achieved in 2022? The company?

I’ll update this or create a new post once we firmly set our goals and each quarter as we progress. Stay tuned!



Alena Pollitt (they/she)
All Things Work

Queer, non-binary, NY transplant living in DC with their partner and their dog, Scottie. Product leader. Deep thinker. Art maker. Photo taker. Sometimes-writer.