Decide with Confidence: Mastering the Art of Swift Decision-Making for You!

Your masterclass in smart decision-making!

Luay Rahil
All Things Work


Young woman choosing food at street food counter
Photo by Kampus Production

Unlike many people, I make decisions very fast.

When I worked as a server, a regular couple came to my section daily. The husband was 91, while his wife was 89. When I asked them about the secret to their long and happy marriage, they told me they don't spend too much time thinking when deciding.

Instead, they make quick decisions and adjust as necessary. The wife also shared with me a fascinating Japanese concept called Wabi-sabi. This idea emphasizes finding beauty in imperfection and embracing impermanence. It originated from Buddhist teachings and was influenced by traditional Japanese tea ceremonies, where simplicity and appreciation of the imperfect were highly valued.

If you approach every decision knowing that nothing is permanent, you can make better and faster decisions.

Navigating the perfectionist struggles of a 12-year-old.

My son is 12 years old and a perfectionist who struggles with making decisions.

He meticulously weighs every option when faced with a choice, from selecting a middle school to choosing a toothbrush. His attention to detail is…



Luay Rahil
All Things Work

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.