From Unity to Victory: The Essential Elements of Elite Teams

The art of mindful living: Transform your life with simple practices

Luay Rahil
All Things Work


Photo Of People Near Computer
Photo by Fauxels

A Whakapapa approach to unity

The Maori people of New Zealand have a spiritual belief called Whakapapa.

The idea behind this belief is that every person is part of an unbreakable chain of individuals that extends back to their ancestors and future generations.

We all share a connection, and the desire to establish and maintain that connection is a fundamental human desire. Our connection gives us a sense of identity, a common purpose, and a vision of what we are trying to achieve together. We establish and maintain these bonds through shared values, rituals, and traditions, which make our connections unbreakable.

Therefore, when you work with teams to strengthen their sense of identity, it is important to ask everyone what connects them. Their answers hold the key to what you need to work on. Their answers can tell you if you have a team working together towards a common goal or a group of individuals working against each other to achieve individual objectives.

Boosting productivity and reducing stress



Luay Rahil
All Things Work

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.