Here's Why Americans Under 40 Are Depressed

The unluckiest generation in U.S. history.

Luay Rahil
All Things Work


A picture of four employees who are unhappy. One male and three female employees.
Photo by Yan Krukau

My friend Justin called me today to express his frustration with his financial situation.

He feels depressed and overwhelmed as he is struggling to keep up with his bills and other life demands. Justin is almost 40 years old, and I am really worried about him. He believes that the American economy has failed him and the corporate leaders have lied to him.

Justin is not alone in feeling a deep mistrust of the system—almost every person under 40 in the country shares this sentiment.

There is no way to help them overcome this mistrust, as the system has asked them to work harder and make more sacrifices without rewarding their hard work. This article serves as my attempt to address this generation's concerns, fears, worries, and hopes.

Corporate leaders believe that Justin is lazy and doesn't want to work.

Some corporate leaders often claim that the younger generation is lazy and lacks work ethic, despite the lack of evidence to support this statement.

The truth is that the younger generation does want to work hard, but their approach to work is different from that of the previous generation. It is unfair…



Luay Rahil
All Things Work

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.