How to Keep Your Remote Employees Engaged When Distractions are Everywhere

Don’t fear your inability to measure remote worker outputs in terms of hours worked. Instead, keep them engaged and focus on positive outcomes.

Dennis Consorte
All Things Work
Published in
8 min readNov 7, 2021


Remote Worker. Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels

I’ve done remote work on and off since the early 2000s and have been full-time remote for the past five years.

This began when I launched and subsequently sold my first eCommerce startup. Since then, I’ve been a digital marketing and operations consultant for over 200 businesses.

My remote lifestyle was a personal choice, unlike the circumstances under which most people found themselves since lockdowns began at the beginning of 2020. As a result, I’ve learned to balance my freedom and flexibility with the focus required to do a good job.

Most people are still newbies to #WorkFromHomeLife and are easily distracted. However, my experience leading remote teams of 5 to 50 people — and more, reporting to clients and employers, and surviving burnout gives me a unique perspective on remote work. So pay attention, use what makes sense, and supercharge your small team.

Reality Check: Remote Employees Are Human

