How to Sustain Your Job as a Remote Worker
Your anxious boss wants you in the office, but you prefer to work from home. What should you do?
Work from home is the future.
We have all of the tools necessary for a remote workforce to flourish. Lockdowns forced many companies to adapt or die. But traditional thinkers are still resistant to this inevitable outcome. Instead, they’re moving employees back into the office either full-time or on hybrid schedules, rather than giving them the flexibility to choose for themselves. Consequently, if you are a remote worker, you may feel devalued or pressured to return to the office. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to preserve your current arrangements, to live the life that you want.
Understand That Authoritarianism Stems a Lack of Empathy, Fear, and Mistrust
Businesses should be free to decide whether they require workers to be on-site or if they may work remotely. We are not slaves and get to choose whether to stay with one company or move to one with a culture that’s more compatible with our own sets of values. In the long term, those companies that offer the most flexibility will attract the best candidates.