No Great Website in History Has Been Created By a Committee

Committees are an excuse for not deciding faster.

Luay Rahil
All Things Work


People Looking at Laptop Computer
Photo by Fox

When leaders do not want to make hard decisions, they form committees.

I know of an organization that even formed a committee to create another committee. For instance, the City of Chicago created a 600-person committee to attract Amazon to the city, despite the fact that Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, is not fond of committees.

It’s often easier to blame a committee for a significant decision instead of taking responsibility for it. Committees are anonymous, and when things go wrong, it’s difficult to hold anyone accountable. For example, the Chicago mayor could point the finger at the committee for failing to attract Amazon to the city instead of taking responsibility himself.

While committees can be useful, most decisions can be made more quickly and cost-effectively by the person closest to the problem. Therefore, don’t hesitate to make decisions and take ownership of them. Will you make some mistakes? Yes, but you will be more productive by deciding quickly.

My take:

If you are faced with a decision on something that seems trivial, instead of forming a committee to decide, you can simply flip a coin. This way, the decision…



Luay Rahil
All Things Work

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.